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OK ! Star Wars Kids ! Who found the '1138' in JA ?! *mild location spoiler*


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Hi All


Raven have shown us they have made some effort to be EU savvy when making this game(s)


Recently, with the Star Wars prequels, ILM(more than Mr Lucas I would say) had hidden '1138' as an homage to GLs first sci-fi film.


In the phantom menace, it is on the back of one of the battledroids of course, I havent had as much luck spotting it in ep 2, but am told it is there, albeit less obviously(can anyone point it out in passing...?)


In JA though I discovered it sort of by accident. On the Planet Blenjeel, with the wrecked merchant ship, if you hop on top of it you'll see its marked with some numbers, not 1138, but a number containing these numbers. I cant post screenies so you'll just have to have a look next time you're there....


No big deal, but interesting enough nonetheless - to excite SW fans ever so slightly :p



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I remember that movie...vaguely

Wasn't really all that great, IMO

But an interesting watch nevertheless, just to see how GL's focus has changed.



Now that ya mention it, I'm sure I saw those numbers in other areas of the game but it didn't register.


Now I'm gonna have to start over again. :D

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this is all fine and dandy, but refresh my memory what 1138 is again.


Wassup's cool link above will tell you in a bit more detail, but THX 1138 was George Lucas' first sci-fi movie. This was made even before 'American Graffiti' which, apart from spawning the TV series 'Happy Days', made him big enough to be given a chance to make Star Wars.


fine and dandy ! my grandpa used to say that(in another language) when things used to go up s**t creek :p Thanks for the nostalgia !!




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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

yeah, i thought this was just a silly rumour... Can anyone post a screenie ??


It is a rumour, there's nothing even relating to him in the .pk3 files. And besides that, Raven/Lucas Arts would never do something that stupid, they would probably get sued by the parents or something if they found out..

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There is no Star Wars kid in Jedi Academy. There is no Darth Maul in Jedi Academy, either. There is no way to unlock new characters in either SP or MP. This can easily be confirmed by a quick look through the models, and/or the .menu files (or many other things which would be required if there were a Star Wars unlockable kid).


This was a rumor/joke that someone posted before Jedi Academy even went gold (and I think it was before the leaked beta, as well). The rumor was that the Star Wars kid was in the Yavin courtyard...well, there is no Star Wars kid in Jedi Academy.

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