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Where's Setion


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one.. and one.. are two, and who are you..? aah.. hystericgarbage and shady4 2 from the newspapers headline, and look how they whine, now go crying booohooohoohoo.. :rolleyes:


lamers. i wasnt joking. at least not for you guysgirls. i was telling the truth and on the way to work it out for you .. girls.. now YOU screwed it again.


tum tum tuuummmm!!





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I came upon these messages boards today and I was wondering why our board can't be anything like this. I mean this is truly gold found here, but in a way that it's patrons would never understand. It's hilarious in a way I can never be. It's funny like someone pissing all over the toilet paper in the last stall in the restroom.


I don't dare be that funny, I'm not worthy.


But no, in Sam and Max and Lucasforums and so on, we are all sarcastic twits with a horrible bite. And the rest don't seem to have a grasp of the English language. You filter as you may.


So I think someone should import some messageboard immigrants. Bring all your dumb friends from school. We need to talk about big trucks and fast cars and goth poetry from now on.


Oh, I'm dying!

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IN OTHER WORDS, you would be much cooler if you typed things like this, Rayjones:


"There is this guy that I love. He told my aunt and my cousin that he wanted to be my friend that way we can get to better. But he wont talk to me. He stares @ me when I walk down the halls and he stares @ me when we pass each other. He is a Senior and I am a Sophomore. He is EXACTLY what I have been waiting for. He means EVERYTHING to me. Two of my friends are telling me that I am obsessed with him. But I'm not. What am I going to do? Feel free to write me @ P.O. Box 506 Palmer, TN 37365. I have a computer but no enternet. As soon as I get an E-mail address I WILL let you know. Please help me."


|What a mad bitch!

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i am not as cool as you may think. i have that awful german accent and my jokes are terrible funny in a way normal persons never would understand. i am a nerd. i am a perv. i am the greatest spoothead of all. but i understand why there is no comparison of optimal. and this is my personal optimum.

the squareroot of -1 is i and i'm addicted to odd attractors.


so tell me.. which planet do yall come from?

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Ray....anyone with a reasonably developed sense of humour, a liking for the finer things in life such as fine works of art, fast sports cars, fine food, and vintage wine would find your humour very much to their taste.


I would imagine it's rich content would be completely lost on young schoolboys who haven't yet developed real good taste......I raise a glass to you.


Don't apologise for being too highly developed for the forum regulars. Forgive them, and feel pity that they will probably end up working uninspiring 9-5 jobs, barely earning a living, and being sceptical and hypocritical characters.....

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