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Moderators! Hear me!

Admiral Vostok

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Well as we all know this forum is rarely moderated anymore. DMUK is here regularly, of course, yet darthfergie and Paragon_Leon, who are listed at the top of the main page, haven't come here for some time. I remember when Fergie was around, but I don't think I've ever seen Leon. If you guys still do look around here but don't post anything, let me know!


Anyway, perhaps new Moderators from amongst the regular posters should be created? This seems logical, but how does the Moderator system work, anyway?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Currently, there is no need for additional Mods as the boards are just not active enough.


However, as we build up to the new RTS from Lucasarts (look how that was worded Compa! :-p hehe ) then that will change.



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Personally i think one moderator is enough i would shudder how the purists would abuse such a power if they got it they would debase the truth



On A Lighter note


DMUK can you judge the upcomming Ideas for swgb 2 and tell us what you think and how we can improve them

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DMUK is a super-mod, he can rule anywhere on any board of the LF network. In theory of course.

I've seen Leon lurking here once.


Mods are made to keep the peace around here, they are not supposed to abuse of their powers. As such, a mod is not supposed to silence someone who has a different opinion because the Great Admin will come!

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What would be wrong with Purist moderators?


I certainly wouldnt, and i dont believe Vostok would either, delete posts or persecute members just because they expouse ideas that we disagree with. A moderators role is to make sure there is no offensive or inappropriate material on the board, and to address concerns raised by any members.


At the moment, Maul seems to be doing enough, but we'll have to see what happens if the board starts getting an influx of new members.

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  • 1 month later...

Intresting, cause I was thinking the same thing awhile ago, but never posted it (or maybe I did, cant remember). It does seem as if they never appear here, but there arent too many threads, so DMUK can handle them solo. And I think that the temptation of an open mod spot would create some serious competition in these forums, and, based on our history, there will be a 10 page thread in which everyone would argue over what qualifies a mod, and Vostok will accuse people of thinking about EU, and Windu will try to apply it to WW2, and I'll probably say "Gameplay>Realism" over and over.:D


So, long story short, it isnt the best idea.

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