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Funniest way you have died


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Last night, on Coruscant (which is beautiful, compared to the similar level in Jedi Outcast) I turned a corner and four of the brown uniformed guys were standing near the ledge surrrounded by tall boxes - there was only one way out of there and that would be straight at me - I threw the saber and it killed them all. They were all standing shoulder to shoulder so they all fell in a big heap. Unexpected and very funny.

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I think the first time I force gripped a Rancor in multiplayer (I'd heard it was possible) I gripped him into the air, and the grip ran out and he fell on me and I was crushed... ; )



Getting crushed by elevators is a funny/embarrassing way to get killed in JA.


I remember in JK2 I was disappointed that elevators would only do 2 damage and then reverse direction if you were in the way (danged increased safety standards!), though I gotta admit in JK/MotS it was much funnier/more embarrassing.... as the elevators SLoooooooooooowly crushed you and your character always let out a pathetic squeal (even funnier if you were playing as C3PO it sounded like cans getting crushed). Funny with enemies too. ; )

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On the level that has all those conveyor belts moving boxes around, I like to get the cultist dude crushed by a box against the force field. Last time he was taunting me while standing on the belt and did nothing to get off it before he was crushed.

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Not the funniest way i have died but the funniest way someone else has:


I chocked a guy on the rancor arena map swung him around a bit then held him in front of the rancor in mid air then the rancor snatched him and had a nice jedi lunch,

AIVAS: I offer a puny jedi in sacrifice to the ultimate might of the rancor!

Puny jedi (can't remember name) WTF?!

ERROR server disconnected: was kicked

I was still laughing 10 minutes later

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I was in the blue tomb level near the point where there's a blasted-out bridge, with one reborn on my side, three reborn on the other side, and one guy on a nearby ledge with a rocket launcher. (I think it's the "Breaking my neck" spot.) I shoved the first reborn off the ledge, then two others jumped over, and I threw them off too. (who needs a lightsaber when you've got three points into choke, and ledges all around?) The rocket dude fires at me, one of the homing rockets. So I wait patiently as it flies toward me, and I push it. It heads straight for the last reborn, and he pushes it back at me. I push it back, so does he, like that for another two minutes. Jedi Rocket Tennis: the game of True Heroes! Finally, I mis-time my push, and I end up getting blasted back to the previous check-point.


The other time was in Jedi Outcast, on the Bespin level. I was hanging around on the bottom platform at the very beginning of the level, standing around, looking at the scenery. I walk up to the grate I'm supposed to go through, when my roommate walks in and startles me. All at once, I unsheath my saber, jump, and hit force push. This happens right as the air is blasting out of the vent. End result? My character flies away from the building so quickly that within a few frames I can't see the city anymore. When I die, I don't hear the "Kyle Falling" sound, I hear the "Kyle Smacking Into The Ground" effect, which leads me to believe that I actually slammed into one of the level-boundary walls. I laughed for a few minutes from that one.

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During the pre-release when all we could play was the demo I kept get caught out by performing the staff butterfly move or kata (sometimes accidentally) on one of the ledges on Chandrilla and ending up flying off into thin air.


On one occasion though the kata killed the guy I was attacking and I watched in glorious slow motion as the dark jedi fell to the floor and I gracefully flew off the edge to my doom :D

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Other than that blasted tree getting me, my funniest death was on the level with the tusken raiders.


I was feeling lazy, so I begin to recklessly charge through the stupid tuskens, skewering them left and right. Finally, I had finished off one, and a little while away a sniper is taking pot shots at me. I run at him, and jump but in mid-air he pops me right in the head, so I get treated to the slowmo spectle of my corpse fliping head over heels right onto the tusken, knocking him down, and pinning him there until I restarted the level!


Great fun!! :D

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Originally posted by starstorm971

This may not be the funniest but still fun. Turn notarget on, in the Chandrilla level and spawn several badguys, during the cutscene when the bridge falls apart they all fall to their deaths.


You don't need notarget, just jump across him. And he'll blow himself up. :p

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This is not me killing someone, but the rancor.

At the end of the game, when I was fighting Kyle, I spawned a few rancors. Then I defeated Kyle.

When Luke was pulling Kyle out of the wreckage, one of the rancors swiped at him ( Kyle ), and ate him up.

Luke started to hallucinate and talk to himself..

The rancors apparantly didn't like him carrying a one-sided conversation, so they ate him up too.

The cutscene froze..

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Originally posted by DarkLord

This is not me killing someone, but the rancor.

At the end of the game, when I was fighting Kyle, I spawned a few rancors. Then I defeated Kyle.

When Luke was pulling Kyle out of the wreckage, one of the rancors swiped at him ( Kyle ), and ate him up.

Luke started to hallucinate and talk to himself..

The rancors apparantly didn't like him carrying a one-sided conversation, so they ate him up too.

The cutscene froze..


I did something similar with Wampas on the Vjun3 level. First I spawned 3 Wampas to take out Rosh and his two bodyguards. Every wampa now held one of the three baddies and beat the crap out of them. Now I spawned some more to have some fun with those furry creatures. When Rosh and his Guardians were eventually defeated the cutscene started. A Wampa immediately fetched my character starting to beat him. As soon as Tavion appeared a Wampa ran up to her, catched her and also started punishing her. Unfortunately there wasn't a Wampa left for Kyle... but it was fun to watch Jaden and Tavion talking to each other while they were hanging upside down always being beaten by a Wampa. :D

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Originally posted by Tsaya

Well, it's not exactly a kill or a death of my charakter but more like a NPC suicide:


First level on "Jedi Master" setting. Since I was being lazy I had Rosh shoot all the critters for me. Since Rosh isn't that good with his blaster he ended up being wounded pretty badly. When we got to the river you have to jump across he tried to do that but the mere impact on the other side killed him. I reloaded several times, always with the same result: he was so low on health that whenever he jumped, he fell to death.


that happened to me it was really really gay cause my jedi knight 3 restarts for no reason in a cut scene so it took ages to redo it

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i had saber dismemberment turned on and on one level, i forgot witch one, but i was fighting reborns and one of them sliced through me and hit an explosive box behind me, so i flew across the room in two pieces, the best part was, that it was a scripted box and the wall blew up with it.

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Originally posted by Tsaya

Well, it's not exactly a kill or a death of my charakter but more like a NPC suicide:


First level on "Jedi Master" setting. Since I was being lazy I had Rosh shoot all the critters for me. Since Rosh isn't that good with his blaster he ended up being wounded pretty badly. When we got to the river you have to jump across he tried to do that but the mere impact on the other side killed him. I reloaded several times, always with the same result: he was so low on health that whenever he jumped, he fell to death.


I did the same thing the first time I played through. I couldn't believe it: did they 'loft' him over the river instead of force jump him? you can't take damage from a force jump if you land at the same height you jumped from, right? ah, well, I had to start all over again (not that it's that far or anything, but the first time through, having gotten anywhere at all feels like an accomplishment).

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i havent even played SP yet but i just went straight to MP... i think its FFA 5 map where all the pads are and lava at the bottom...well anyway i was checking out the map with a pal and we found out how to get on the top of the buildings...so once we get up there we were fooling around and i duno what happend...i slipped off or something and on the way down i had enough time to type to him "im falling!!!!" and then i waited a second as i got closer to the ground and i hit the lava and bounced out of it and lived but then i hit the edge of the wall and bounced off of that to the other side where i bounced again off of that trying to stay alive and then i tried catching the pad at the bottom but my big toe touched the lava or something like that and i died...but i felt like a ball when i was all done...its not that funny but its the best one lol...the other time somone touched me and i died lol

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I got killed by the tree.


I ran and backfliped off a wall into the abyss!


And the dark jedi in Chandrila get so psyched out about fighting me that they flip off the ledges to the deaths without me swinging my dual sabers!

The dark jedi have also fought each other over who will fight ME!!! Cool way to heal and watch them slice eachother up!

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My funniest death is not one that happened to me, but to a enemy swoop bike rider. I was on the first SP mission where you use a swoop bike, and I was nearly finished the level when I noticed a set of new swoop bikes, so I hopped off the one I was riding, and it went on on its own and killed the swoop rider up ahead in a collision! Unfortunatley, the moment was turned sour, as after a few seconds of watching the resulting crash, I was taken from behind by another swoop, sending me flying across the floor.

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alright, i now have to append my previous answer.


i don't know if you'd consider this me dying, but let me explain anyways. first, here's how the in-game cinematics work: the player model is disabled for a moment and a new clone of the character is placed into the scene to act out the cinematic. when the cinematic is through, the new clone is removed and your player model is enabled. there it is in a nutshell.


however, today i tried g_saberRealisticCombat 3. this means that any contact with the saber does a whole lot of damage. i mean that running up to a stormie and letting the blade touch him (w/o attacking) kills him just about instantly. Alora on Hoth died from one slash (of course, it's just as easy for you to die, so it's not really cheating). so, when my character model (with lightsabers out) was enabled just a moment before the clone was disabled... well, just look at the screenshot .


i stared in disbelief for a moment before lmao, creating my wild theory about how the cinematics worked, taking the screenshot, and posting it here.

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