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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

Donnie Darko kicks ass!

have you been to its website Astrotoy?

I was pretty suprised with it!


yep, its a cool site - lotta hard work went in to it - which is good to see - movie sites are just usually wallpapers and adverts...


I like your avatar Iblis - reminds me of my fave bands....deicide.....morbid angel..... Im 28 - but it doesnt mean I have to listen to 'The Corrs'...... :p


Im waiting for taHoS, the 2-post messiah, to hopefully respond to my post in his own special judgemental way....... probably hasn't finished ridin his hobby horse for the day though......




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Originally posted by txa1265

Gawd I'm glad my oldest is still just 7 and I don't have to worry about them doing things like that yet ... things like I did when I went over my budget for albums (yes, vinyl) and tried to sneak in an album ... I was bagged ...




Should have been more careful :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

POOR KID !! Do they at least let you play the demo ???


Just look at it this way, PARENTS SUCK. I am 28 years old, am professionally employed, and still can't get over some of the COLD s**t my parents worked on me when I was 15....


They have NO IDEA about what it is like to be young nowadays, just like you will have NO IDEA what it is like for your kids.... This is just how life is....the key is :


SURVIVE till you finish high school, after that, THE REAL WORLD commences, and you will soon find that the *real world* is amazing, disgusting and horrifying ALL AT ONCE.


Good grades are part of this I guess, if you plan to go to college. If you dont, then you're wasting your time.......go get a job/learn a trade.....




Yes pops.


...nah, its just funny because I am imagining your avatar saying this to this kid.........


SpecialForces also said



...I hate Horses, I have a feeling you should too.... since when is a freakin horse more fun than JA ! Have you ever seen "The Godfather", that's what I think of horses..... :p


Anyway, SF, if you lived in my street I'd let you borrow my laptop for an hour a day and you could go to town playing JA to your hearts content on a P4 2.4, 512 Ram, GeForce5600 64mb !!!


But as you may have noticed(near my avatar) I am all the way over in Australia ! :(




What I can suggest is, do they have internet/gaming cafe's where you are? You can just pop in for 30 mins a day and play on a well setup gaming PC for just a few bucks. Just tell your parents you were at the library or researching a project or somethin......


LOL, DUDE! My parents are the same way this is how it goes:


2. can not buy anything

3. have to go to horse shows about 30 - 40 weeks in a year

4. Have to get REALLY good grades (4.0) to not get screamed at


Yeah, I'm not making this stuff up! This is my life! I know the world's scary but, I'll get over it!


:burn1: :burn1: :burn1: :burn1: :burn1: :bounce3:

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in 5-10 years, you'll look back on it and think 'i guess it wasnt that bad, it was prob good for me' ;) no one ever died from broadening their horizons a bit, just hang in there a few years man, you'll understand 15 is young later on. If i were you, try to get your parents to compromise, say, get you JA for xmas if u end up with such and such of grades then try to make them :)

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