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Salieh Maeh

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I've ben playing SWG for about a month now on my friend's account when I'm at his house (and he's not playing ;) ). My current computer is ancient (like... 6 years old) so I can't run it on that. But I'm planning on getting a new system in the very near future and will be buying an account, character, etc..


My question is this: I am planning on being a Pistoleer/CH and I'm trying to decide what species. I've read about half a dozen sites detailing tht different species' strengths and weeknesses and I've pretty much narrowed it down to either Transhodan or Wookie. Looking at health stats, a Wookie is the obvious choice. But since they can't wear armor and a Transhodan can, I'm wondering if maybe they are a better choice. Somebody said that a Wookie's extra stats makes up for that, but I was wondering if that's really true. And also, is there anything else I should consider here? Maybe even a different species..?


I've tried to do my research so I don't come off sounding like I just want you to bail me out without me taking my time. But I've really come to a point where I can't decide. Any advice or comments? Thanks.

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Salieh, I can't recommend any species, they all have their pluses and minuses however I do know that Trannys (Trandoshans) Heal incredibly fast. Faster than any other. That may influence your decision. The real question is Scales or Fur??




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Hmm... good point about the cover skill bonus. But I guess as a Pistoleer I don't see the point. You pretty much have to be at close range in order for your pistol to be effective. Now if I was going to be sniping, I would most likely be choosing a Bothan. But I don't think it would be very effective as a Pistoleer. If you see an advantage in that, though, please try to explain it. I will admit I don't know everything about that game. ;)


Fast healing, eh? Now that sounds like a big bonus for a fighter.


I guess I'm still really wondering about the Transhodan Armor vs. Wookie Health. I'd rather be a Wookie if they're equal or really close to being equal. But I'd rather have a good character for what I want to do than just a good looking one. As a total noob I chose a Mon Calamari and lived on Tatooine. I look cool, but my stats are really reduced. I don't want to make a similar mistake again.

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You really don't need that much health. If you are a pistoleer/CH your pets will take all the dmg and you will only be using action pool for pistol attacks I would say be a bothan all the way. The action, quickness, and stamina boosts are awesome for a pistoleer. In PvP nobody really does health dmg its basically mind shots, heat shots, and eye shots up the ass since everyone walks around buffed in PvP.


Bothans look pretty cool too, in my opinon. Good Luck.



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Dont listen to him, that is if you do actually want to play the game. And btw, I dont know if youve been warned about this before, but thats clearly an exploit, youve admitted it, and will get banned if youve been previously warned.


As for your question Salieh... few points.


* Trandoshans can wear armor... mostly. They cannot wear boots and gloves due to their claws and such.


* The cover bonus is still useful, even if you are a Pistoleer.


*10% more scout XP. This will make it easier to get CH.


* +15 camoflauge. This is pretty useful.


* Trandoshans only bonus to a pistoleer would be the regen buff.

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So basically Trandoshan's aren't as good as Bothans. I guess looking again I'd have to agree. What about Wookies, though? Nobody really said much about them.


Ok, going one step farther - What is the better choice for a starting profession? I was going to be Marksman for the extra health, but Goose said that's not as important as I thought. I just looked and the Health, Strength, and Quickness are the only stats lower for a Scout, by 200, 50, and 50 respectively. Stamina and Mind are raised by 100, and Constitution, Focus, and Will are all raised by 50. So I'm thinking Scout is the better way to go. Any comments?

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A Bothan or Trando might work better, but a big hairy woookie is simply laughable. But do note, not all creatures can change thier stats all that much. At least, I couldn't change my Mon Calamarian all that mcuh to make him a brawler.


Hey, can someone post the original stats for a Brawler

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same one should work... all it does is attcks them i asume useing unarmed one would be better it just runs after them and then it starts attacking and btw i mastered 9 professions and never even got a warning before i quit game ... lol ban me ... rotf i dare u .. i dont even own the account ne more rotf ;)

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First off, I don't really care if you think a Wookie with a pistol looks funny. Some people like Wookies, some don't. I personally do. So I'm trying to consider stats, etc... :)


Second, quit talking about cheating in the game. It's lame and stupid. :mad:


Third, how extensive is the stat migration? My character on my friend's account is a Mon Calamari Artisan who I now use as a Marksman. I migrated the stats with some advice from my friend but still I'm pretty darn weak. My understanding is basically like Maximum's. You can do some, but not all that much.


Also, what's this about faction? I haven't seen anything that told me Wookies and Trandoshans have a hard time advancing. I'm assuming you mean Imperial or Rebel faction. Do the Bothan's have an easier time advancing?

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I have no problem with the in-game macros. But the macros Lord is talking about are just lame and pointless. And where's the fun in it anyway? Are you paying you membership just to have your computer running a macro? That doesn't sound like fun to me at all. So please, just get back to my question...

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I might actually recommend Rodian for Pistoleer, because they have some ranged bonuses. A Wookie or Trandoshan would be a good Brawler, and Wookies are also good CHs.


Wookie or Trandoshan is more of a "brute force" type approach- Rodians are kinda small and fast, a sneaky type.


Really, it all comes down to what you want. You mgiht also want to consider your potential faction- Rebel, Imp, Neutral. If you plan on being an Imp, be aware that all species besides human and Zabrak suffer penalties of some sort. To be a Rebel/Neutral, species is irrelevant.


About Stat Migration- if you use it BEFORE choosing your starting planet and officially "joining" the game, then it supposedly occurs quickly. Otherwise, it takes a LONG time and generally is probably not worth it.

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I am currently a Mon Calamari. I look cool, but I really suck at everything I want to do.


I decided a long time ago I did not want to be human. They're too average and boring. I thought about Zabrak, but they didn't seem to have any bonuses for anything I wanted as I recall. And I've been seriously considering being Rebel anyway, so that's probably not a concern.


Rodian eh? What's the advantage over Bothan?

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I am currently a Mon Calamari. I look cool, but I really suck at everything I want to do.


I decided a long time ago I did not want to be human. They're too average and boring. I thought about Zabrak, but they didn't seem to have any bonuses for anything I wanted as I recall. And I've been seriously considering being Rebel anyway, so that's probably not a concern.


Rodian eh? What's the advantage over Bothan?

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i was a trando imp bh but i started a name on another server where i am a zabrak rebel pistoleer/bh/smuggler for all the pistol skills and it seems fine to me i just changed my stats so i can put my padded armor on and hes strong as heck


-personally i think u can make anything strong in any profession but the one thing u cant change is species so the looks is what u should make sure ull be happy with and for that zabrak and human can wear anything so theyre a good choice


-macros are fine in my fiew because ur not gonna play all the time and when u arent u can use it but its not something u should do the entire day and its no fun using it after u reach pistoleer

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I'll have to admit that I do not find macros to be of much use, with the exception of bio commands like sample dna (constantly having to type such commands can become anoying). About the only other use I have for macros are generic 'chats' or motions that my char does with other people (such as thank you with a bow, etc).

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