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Games that should be made into movies...


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Originally posted by InsaneSith



Didnt like that game that much but I think it could make an okay movie


But I think that the sims would make the greatest movie ever :p :p :p


And txa1265 dont worry they wouldnt/wont make a movie out of that and if for some od reason we cross over into the twilight zone then they would have to add alot onto it

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3 words. Jet Force Gemini:cool:


So far, I think that that game has had the best plot line and story ever. It could make a good movie. A sort of horror/action movie;)





Sadly, the Shenmue one would probably never be developed. Seriously, would you want to see 38(I believe) movies?

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thats the thing... just because a game is great doesn't mean it would make a great movie. Doom, unreal tournament, quake etc... are all great games, but i can't see that any of them would make a great movie. They are all action, with no consistency, character or plot.


i don't remember alone in the dark having a plot that would distinguissh it from any other horror film, so why base it on a game? (same with house f the dead).


I don't know the plots for dungeon siege or diablo, but i would want them to be interestig and unique plots for a film to be based on them. If they are generic fantasy plots then why not just make a generic fantasy film?


Fallout & Alice both seem like they have enough of a distinct personality to make them worth making into films. Vampire the masquerade too, oh hang on, they already did that with underworld. at least they might do it right this time.

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I saw the trailer for Alien vs. Predator the movie (kind of a coinsidence that I was watching Alien:Director's Cut when I saw that trailer, but never mind)


I think Deus Ex, Mafia and Max payne would make good movies, but with thier storylines it would be difficult to make a movie unless it has a lot of contradictions or follows the exact same story as the game.

Story-wise Baldur's gate would make a good film as the storyline is more "customisable".

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