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Salieh Maeh

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I know there are tips spread around the forum on good ways to get faction, but it's pretty frustrating trying to find them all. So post your tips here for both Imperial and Rebel. Make sure it's clear which you're posting for too. Also post advantages of promotions and anything else faction related.

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I earn most of my Brawler/Marksman XP doing Destroy missions. Get a mission, kill some bad guys, shoot some critters on the way back= XP, money, and faction points.


Also, if you're Covert, DON'T spend your faction points on any weapons/armor. Costs a ton of XP, and you can't use it unless Overt. I accidently did that once- wasted 1000 Rebel XP. :(

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welll seeing i was going rebel first i lost a lot of faction points on the imperial side. when i went neutral again i had 200 rebel points and -4800 imperial :)


at this moment i have 1000 rebel points and 206 imperial :)

and i did this in 2 weeks... maybe 2 and half :)

(not playing everyday ofcourse)


the reason i got it so quick is that im a high end pistoleer. the higher you are in a fighting profession, the more difficult missions become and the more Faction points you receive.


i get 4400 to 5000 credit missions and they get me 49 to 54 faction points per completed mission.


so.. well. get high (skillwise) in a fighting profession and you get better FP on missions :)

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