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*Radio Free Saturn*

Why is there a poll here?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Why is there a poll here?

    • Zoom must have hit the wrong button.
    • Is this my hand?
    • I am in favor of gun control.
    • Martha Stewart.
    • False.
    • Zoom wants to see what Cracken hacks in this time.
    • Shut up! I'm asking the questions here!
    • (JediMindTrick)There is no Poll (/ JediMindtrick)

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Why, yes it is the season of the rabbit. :max: And the year of the rabbit...heck, it's the freaking Age of Rabbitarius.


*(Downloads Siv's consciousness via internet keyboard remote tapping into his Nintendo gamecube and stores it in the TIE fighter AI pilot file for Rogue Leader.)*


My record for TIEs at the Battle of Endor is 227. :biggs: How long do you think you'll last? I put Mr. Trample's consciousness in my wingman program--saddle up!





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I once had this imaginary friend named Bernie. We did everything together. Until one day, I thought Bernie was plotting against me and so I pushed him down the stairs. That's when I found out I was confusing "Imaginary" with "Retarted"

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I was watching my AC/DC - Live At Donnington DVD today, and my little sister walked in and saw Angus doing his thing.




"Why is he walking like that? He's not retarded is he?"

"RETARDED!?! That's Angus Young, BITCH!!!"

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I thought Angus Young was retarded...oh, well.




Tonight, I will do something completely unprecidented in the history of Radio Free Saturn. I will interview...myself!


Me: Well, Zoom...I guess our first question is a pretty obvious one. What's wrong with you?


Zoom: There's nothing wrong with me that isn't wrong with you. Ha-ha-hah! Seriously, I'm just too groovy for the paradigms to get around my ideas, you know? It's like space voodoo to a ten-key adding machine--it just won't compute.


Me: I see. So you're into drugs?


Zoom: That's a fallacy. It's just that I drive so fast the blood gets forced into the back of my brain. The drooling will stop momentarily.


Me: Okay. Your readers also want to know about your obsession with Martha Stewart. Tell us about that.


Zoom. Rich older women are optimal targets. Next.


Me: Fair enough. Wally the Space Dolphin...just who is he?


Zoom: Wally is an advanced life form from the oceans of a world in another set of dimensions altogether--roughly cetacean in nature, as compared to terran biology--who interacts with us lowly carbon-based beings down here on the physical level by transmitting space zen whackiness on a brainwave frequency receiveable only by those of us with rabbit ears.


Me: I suspected as much. Is he real?


Zoom: He's your daddy, bitch.


Me: You do realize you're talking to yourself right now.


Zoom: No more speak english. Vas-y le fo*tre hors de ma maison...! Imbecile.

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i'm also going to interview myself as i'm quite interested in what i've got to say...


Me: hello there Siv


Siv: sup


Me: so, you're looking good... have you been working out?


Siv: nah, i've just be blessed with a fantastic body. it's due to a very high metabolism that burns off food very quickly, so i rarely put on weight. even if do manage to put on weight, its lost again in no time.


Me: wow, and with your foxy good looks and an ass that wont quit… you’re quite the ‘god’s gift to women’ aren’t you


Siv: yes i am, unfortunately this prime bit of beef will soon be off the market as I’m getting married later this year.


Me: many hearts will be broken.. i think the samaritans will be busy that day


Siv: yes, they've thought about that and decided to set-up a hot-line, it's 555-sivisgettingmarried-pleasedontkillyourself and there's also a website... http://www.sivisgettingmarried_pleasedontkillyourself.com


Me: well its been a pleasure as always but i must really get back to work.


Siv: yeah, me too.


Me: take care then, bubye now


Siv: laters

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ray: creeps.


mr. jones: whatcha mean?


ray: creeps.


mr. jones: aah.


ray: i mean creeps. they just dont get that i was the first who interviewed myself.


mr. jones: they should recieve treatment so that the only thing they can do is interview mr. potty


ray: emetics?


mr. jones: family pack.


ray: excellent.


mr. jones: indeed.


ray: so why a horse in a bar?


mr. jones: because of the long face.


ray: why the long face?


mr. jones: because it's name is barbara.


ray: streisand??


mr. jones: *raises brow* unbelievable..


ray: tse. i can read your mind..


mr. jones: tse. i can read your mind, too.


ray: sick little ****er.


mr. jones: ass.


ray: prrffft.


mr. jones: [nitro quote]it's love in the making, ladies and gentlemen.[/nitro quote]


ray: no, that's my hand.


mr. jones: i cant believe it's a radio show.


ray: any news yet?


mr. jones: after interviewing mr. potty for a month or two siv is getting married.


ray: buried??


mr. jones: married.


ray: what i say. buried


mr. jones: mmmmhshutup..


ray: is the chick hot?


mr. jones: she does not wear any pantees. at least if she is not having any sex.


ray: hmm. enough to be classified so.


mr. jones: that is correct. *nods*


ray: *nods*


mr. jones: *nods* *nods*


ray: *nods* *nods*


mr. jones: and if they dont believe it?


ray: pardon?


mr. jones: the whole interview thing.


ray: page one, this thread.


mr. jones: ^ is right.


ray: < knows that.


mr. jones: V will ever use capitals?


ray: haha. i can't tell, really. it mostly works fine without.


mr. jones: phew. what a luck, a thread where you cannot miss the topic.


ray: that's what i just thought, exactly.


mr. jones: hehehe.. there goes the server space.


ray: :wavey:

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