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We want to make our city grow. So we need to recruit people from outside the PA.


I have heard people offering free small naboo houses to people who joined our city, but have also heard this could cost a lot of money and not worth it. I think this would be an awesome idea. I could provide Baboo with the money if he needed it for building tons of houses.


Now for advertising. How exactly do we go about this? We could just get people to go around Theed, Coronet, Moeina, Anchorhead, Bestine, and maybe rebel outpost to do: /shout Join Rorana on Rori and get a Free Naboo House!!! Or whatever shout command. Another way is to make crappy items sell them on the bazaar highlited with cords to Rorana and such with Secaihs name and tell them you get a free house etc. etc.


[Edit] We could also go to another server with new characters and have people give us houses to place in there city for return in placing houses in ours. Only problem I see in this is I want people who will be there not just empty houses. I guess just another idea thrown up.


Any other ideas and can somebody clear up free house thing?



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