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How do you deflect missles and such?


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I've seen people and npcs deflect missles and other such projectiles but I don't know how to do it. The saber certainly doesn't automatically deflect missles. Do you use force push or something? I've tried that and it hasn't worked out.


Can anyone tell me how to do this?

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Timing is very important when you are trying to deflect a missle. Don't push too soon, or the force won't reach the missle. Don't push too late or it might explode too close to you when it is pushed. Although some of the boss NPCs like Desann and Luke seem to block everything that comes their way like clock-work. :D

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level 3 push with immaculate timing, or as suggested using a playermodel such as luke, kyle etc with higher 'mana'. Force protect may reduce damage, and Im not sure if lightning with great timing would blow them up before they reach you. It would be an interesting diversion to have a bullet time mod for JA, which would help you do such things...


SW purists, please excuse me saying that :p , Ive been playing max payne 2 quite *alot* recently, damn cool game, visually stunning...



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...if not push... saber throw. just make sure you have one of the two settings on level three if you want it to be effective. remember, though, that with saber throw your timing, aim, and body english (if you move after you throw it) need to be perfect to blow the rocket out of the sky. And be ready to run if you miss the rocket, and be very careful not to saber throw it within like fifteen yards of your position (the rocket explodes on contact with the saber, of course :D )


P.S. - I can't do this, personally. I find it too hard, and I've only done it maybe three or four times, but i've always reacted too late and it ends up blowing close enough to do me some damage anyway. THis is only for the ppl who are deadly serious about learning immaculate timing for their saber throws.

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You could shoot it as far as rockets are concerned.


When on the Hoth Siege map, I was an Imperial Scout, my preferred class for the map. A Rebel Heavy Weapons (Wookiee) shot an unguided rocket straight at me when I was lining up a shot in the disruptor scope. The rocket was coming directly at me, and I released my charged up shot. To my suprize, the shot actually destroyed the incoming rocket!


So far, I've only duplicated this one other time. Has this happened to anyone else?

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

You could shoot it as far as rockets are concerned.


When on the Hoth Siege map, I was an Imperial Scout, my preferred class for the map. A Rebel Heavy Weapons (Wookiee) shot an unguided rocket straight at me when I was lining up a shot in the disruptor scope. The rocket was coming directly at me, and I released my charged up shot. To my suprize, the shot actually destroyed the incoming rocket!


So far, I've only duplicated this one other time. Has this happened to anyone else?


Really I never new you could do that. It makes since though. Did this also work for JO?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen the rockets get shot in JA, and also the throw one time(thought the guy was a total bad@$$ for pulling it off)....I think it started in Unreal Tournament when you could shoot the redeemer rockets out of the sky. nothing more fun that surprising people who just fired it at you and you shoot the thing and blow them up...lol.

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