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Total Jedi War - TFFA Project


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Hey all.


I wanted to discuss a project im doing and hopefully share comments and suggestions .


let me describe myself. im darth doughnut. ive most recently done quite a few sabers. (however its been a month since i uploaded my hilt pack to jk2files and it still isnt up )


im VERY VERY new to mapping.. but ive tinkered enough to know basics.. i have an active imagination.. 1001 ideas in my head.. and i need to get them out.. one of these ideas is Total Jedi War (tentitive title)


Now.. everything on here isnt set in stone... i have permission to ask for a few things to use.. and am looking for opinions and help .. i want this one to be widly loved and used.


im set in stone that this map WILL be a city type map.. typical ugly tall buildings.. textured lightly (to keep FPS high) i dont want it to look too detailed for the fact that this map WILL be huge...


There are 2 bases.. one on each side of the city.. each with a power core deep inside..


Each base will have hand turrents, jet packs, ATST walkers, Swoop bikes, Rideable animals, and (with hope) Kensai's Mini Tie Fighters. (if theres anything else you think should be added please tell me)


the basic of the map is to get into enemys base... destroy the Protection Door Guarding the power core... and then.. destroy the power core.

i am not going to make it easy eather.. i want the power core to rack the team up about 100 pts.


so in a way its like a cross between CTF and Seige.. except theres no flag.. and no SET objective.. just be the team with the most points at the end.


there will be a few hidden rooms in the building windows.. making accessable some items.. like larger weapons. however most of the weapons and health will be stored at the bases to make things fair.


im making it for use with weapons cause it wouldnt seem fair going up against all the atsts, ships and such with only a light saber.. things would get done too quick. so its ment for weapon play!


i do plan on adding a duel platform for the ones that feel they need to whipout a saber without having to be bothered by weapons (use the Dual chalange if you REALLY want thist o happen) other wise.. no rules. unless something seriously lame comes up.. then ill fix it LOL



ok.. enough of the description.....

heres the things i need to solve !


1. Lighting... i dont wanna add light entities... shadows slow down FPS. so i need to know how to make the default gamma lighting high..


2. The sky.. ive tried so much to get that damn sky to work.. i tried using the texture.. it didnt work.. i tried using. "SKY" .. dont work..

can someone detail this process out to me so i can add a skybox to my map??


3. Setting a point value to a destructable item/wall ! how do i do it? is there a way to do it???



4. a list of all vehicles ... i know there are a few different type of swoops.. can someone give me a list?


5. Rocket packs.. how do you make them accessable in the map?


6. rancor in a sewer drain area under a bridge.... do you think that would be cool? like 2 bridges going over a stone trench where water would drain (no water in trench)



please Give me comments and suggestions and if i use them ill add you on the list of credits and thanks..


please help me make this map the god of all fun maps

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Originally posted by darkdreamr

Each base will have hand turrents, jet packs, ATST walkers, Swoop bikes, Rideable animals, and (with hope) Kensai's Mini Tie Fighters. (if theres anything else you think should be added please tell me)


With all of that in the areas of the bases on a huge map, with all weapons enabled and more than 10 players, it will definately lag.

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Originally posted by Darth Kaan

With all of that in the areas of the bases on a huge map, with all weapons enabled and more than 10 players, it will definately lag.


Yeah, that's right, You will need to take into account also, if you want *alot* of ppl to enjoy your map, it should aim to be able to run well on lower to mid level performance PCs, as not everyone of course has the luxury of a souped up gaming PC...



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well.. ive been able to spawn about 30 NPCs with little to no choppyness..


the map is cornered just right to where you wont see alot .. less view, the less the program has to generate, less FPS problems..


im running a 1.8 ghz.. with a built-in 3d card.... so i do have a decently low end pc.


i havent even caulked the outside.. and my compile time is less then 2 minutes...


and the 1 city block (of 3) is already done.. and is VERY big.


please trust me on this when i say i dont want FPS to be an issue and im trying to keep it low. and doing a decently good job doing it too ! :)



a curious question i guess would be.. does lighting effect FPS? it seems like it does.. but i had someone else say otherwise... anyone know?

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Originally posted by darkdreamr

well.. ive been able to spawn about 30 NPCs with little to no choppyness..


the map is cornered just right to where you wont see alot .. less view, the less the program has to generate, less FPS problems..


im running a 1.8 ghz.. with a built-in 3d card.... so i do have a decently low end pc.


i havent even caulked the outside.. and my compile time is less then 2 minutes...


and the 1 city block (of 3) is already done.. and is VERY big.


please trust me on this when i say i dont want FPS to be an issue and im trying to keep it low. and doing a decently good job doing it too ! :)



a curious question i guess would be.. does lighting effect FPS? it seems like it does.. but i had someone else say otherwise... anyone know?


Yes but NPC's are not connecting to the server from a variety of different connection speeds from dial up to broadband. Your comparing apples to oranges there.


Don't get me wrong though the map sounds like it will be fun to play. :D

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i have no knowledge of servers what so ever.. i just assumed that every computer runs the map independently and the server takes and sends the info on where the players are on the map./



i decided against the rancor under the bridge idea.. being it felt like it REALLY effected the FPS.. even when it wasnt on the map. .. i would have loved to of had a mutant rancor wander the streets while all this was going on... i think that would have added some flavor to it.. but alas.. no go.. :( ill just make under the bridge a bottomless pit death..


can anyone give me a Detailed instructions on how to get the skybox working.. i cant get it for the life of me.. and richdiesels dont do it....

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sure .. here you go :)


these are the most recent ones..








Current problems i need solved


SKY!! I CANT GET THE SKY TO WORK!!!!!! ive seen so many posts.. and i still dont know what white outlined texture people are talking about.. i only see one thing that even resembles that.. its a white box that says sky in it.. and when i paste it to the box above.. its all white.. no sky.. is it supposed to be a plain brush? what is the sky supposed to be???




Making brushes gamma level increased. (i wanna make the street lights look like they are giving light off.. right now they are just a texture... but very dark.. i dont wanna put a light on every one of them cause it would slow compile time and make it a pain..

is there any way just to increase the gamma of a texture to make it look like its lit up? (like the old Doom map maker LOL)





hope you all enjoy the new screen shots.. and as always.. feed back is needed!!!

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when you are in radiant, hit F1 you can learn a LOT of information from the help file. also, just not putting lights in to save fps is a very bad idea. you can set the ambiant light thru the worldspawn entitiy tho. since this seems almost more of a mapping thread, im considering moveing it there.


for skies, what you apply to the brushes is a shader. there are a bunch of ones in ja already, so i would suggest using those for your first maps until you are ready toreally learn about shaders. its mostly by hand text scripting :)

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nooo i have light on the map.. i think 30+ lights... the thing is.. i dont know if a spotlight can point in 2 different directions.. i have it pointing to the ground from every street lamppost.. however.. the textured area that is "supposed" to be the light.. is dark cause its the opposite direction of the spotlight..


it didnt seem right to add to light entities for each of the spots that the lamp posts are.. thats why i asked if there was a way to increase the gamma on a brush.. so it seems like its being lit from the inside and pointing down...


if you look at the screen shots youll see what i mean


as for that.. i have added the Sky texture.. (the one thats white and says Sky) but it still wont show on my game correctly..

do i have to specificly set up what sky it uses?


and i think i posted this one already in the mapping forum.. i ment for this one to get opinions.. (hence the poll)


but i have been posting the same messages mostly on both to get responces from both parties...

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