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Bioware announces upcoming patch. . .

Darth MarcII

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Well the patch is out.


I haven't been able to download it yet, but can anyone who has, tell me whether some of the framerate issues have been resolved.


They haven't been a big issue while I've been playing, but the other day I was trying to convinve my sister that this game has fantastic graphics, and the game completely froze on me, 30 seconds later I regained control of the game, but she had left by then.



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1.01 Update Details


Note: Each update contains all the fixes from the previous updates.


Update details for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic v1.01

Added two new "swkotor.ini" sound options,

[sound Options]

Environment Effects Nonstreaming=1

Environment Effects Streaming=1

The Environment Effects Streaming=0 option was added to fix a problem with sound pauses while playing the game with an Intel i845 or i850 chipset motherboard and a 100 MHz Front Side Bus.

removed the awareness penalty when running

Made a fix to the "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects" option in "swkotor.ini".

[Graphics Options]

Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1

If you are having some odd, random graphics issues you may be able to resolve them by adding an entry to your "swkotor.ini" file:

Made a fix to the Enable Hardware Mouse option when it is disabled. This fixes a crash with certain ATI Radeon 9600 video cards.

Made a fix to a display issue with Small Fonts.

Made a fix to a gamma issue after movies finish playing.

Removed the display of Force Points on portrait tooltips for non-Jedi characters.

Fixed bug where some objects in the game would give a sticky mouse indicator like they had an inventory when they did not.

Fixed an issue where if you changed appearance while Force Speed was active your movement rate would return to normal.

Fixed an issue with droid animation when the item they were using ran out or their target died.

The turret mini-game should no longer have the blur visual effect if you enter it with that visual effect turned on.

The Security option no longer displays for doors which a key is required.

Fixed a rare bug where the game could get stuck if an autopause was triggered at the exact same time as an area transition.

Fixed a rare crash that could happen when a Dark Jedi dies at the exact same time as he deflected a blaster bolt.

Fixed a rare crash on startup under Windows 98.

Fixed a few memory leaks.

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