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It felt like forever to wait until the 28th of november for Kotor to come out, then after months of waiting they tell me at the computer-game store i have to wait another week, then a week later they tell me they dont get it before in 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait anny longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is there a demo out is there any way i can get my hands on this game before 2004?

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Now that's downright awful. I can remember going to the HCC Beurs, a Dutch Computer convention, on the 27th of November where I was sure that I'd buy Knights of the Old Republic there... to my surprise, none of the stands had it, whilst it was supposed to have been released about three days ago. Only when I was home did I bother to check the release dates, and it had been set back to the 5th of December. Luckily, a week later, I travelled for an hour to Rotterdam, scoured all the shops until I finally managed to get it.


I'm very sorry to hear of your situation, Ragnos, and hope you'll get it soon.

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Originally posted by Ragnos

It felt like forever to wait until the 28th of november for Kotor to come out, then after months of waiting they tell me at the computer-game store i have to wait another week, then a week later they tell me they dont get it before in 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait anny longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is there a demo out is there any way i can get my hands on this game before 2004?




Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo **falls down bottomless pit** oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Then suddenly they have the game at the store! after telling me to wait until next year!!!! Oh well I just gotta say this game rocks and well im at Manaan now trying to interrogate some sith-guy...

Oh and i hate caderous(or what his name is) is there some way to get rid of him? :D :D :D

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