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Merr Sonn question (1.04)


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Okay, I was checking out something in JK2 the other day (first time I'd played it in months) and I noticed something odd...


The Merr Sonn's ammo capacity is 25! (same as JA MP)



Now granted, it takes a long time to get that maximum because ammo for the gun is so scarce in base JK2 maps, but I have had the max total as "10" on my Outcast Strategy site for over a year!



So was I daft when I wrote that, or was it quietly changed between 1.02 and 1.04?



Thanks for any help.. I don't have 1.02, only 1.04 and I'd like somebody to confirm if they could if the other versions of the game had different capacities. Regardless I need to change the info on the site since it's not correct, but I wonder if it was the patches or has it always been 25?

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Yeah it's 25 in MP, I don't know what it is in SP.


Perhaps I simply remembered the value from SP and wrote it down (back probably on the first day of the site since I was still learning the game back then) not realizing how wrong it was?


In any case, it's fixed now. The trouble with JK2 is that rocket ammo is so rare in the base maps, but gather ammo and you'll find it's 25.


I asked because I thought maybe in 1.02 or 1.03 the value was different (though this was never mentioned in the patch changes so probably not).

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