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xMod 2.2.0 - Released

=X=Master HeX

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Special Thanks:

Thanks Myth for all your help and entertainment.

Thanks Genso for your hard work on those .loc files! ;)

Thanks to my sweetheart for pulling me away from the computer every so often.

Thanks everyone who trolls our forum and irc




- Saber down honor code enforcement which includes:

--- Saber down = peace enforcement cvars

--- Saber down = no force usage cvars (attack or no force at all)

- Removed abusive admin commands requested (thanks everyone who voted)

- Tweaked x_cprotect to now truly protect the admin from players

- Added cvars to control duel starting and ending health/shields and saber ignition

- Ability to jump on a players head without slipping off

- Ability to unlock the yellow dfa forced turn

- Added a 3 mode mute public chat cvar system

- Freeze Tag mode now available to xmod servers

- New help system introduced for clients and admins (/help)

- Corrected some errors in message targets

- Changed /x commands to /gc to prevent confusion

- Authing can now be done via /x auth, /gc auth, or /auth

- Ability to enable the single player pullstab move

- Ability to enable Jedi Outcast style no force requirements for moves

- Ability to turn off coup de grace ground moves

- Cvar'd all force costs for moves (including flipkick)

- Repaired flipkick so it can be totally disabled

- Added a team chat location system to add location markers in maps

- New Super Smart Suicide System (s2 suicide system)

- Added a roll enhancement cvar that makes roll feel more like the old version

- Added a cvar to allow you to speed/rage the old jo style

- New emote system (/emote)

- Added change name and csay to subadmin command list


Please Please Please include something about /help in your newmotd guys. I spent 24+ hours on the 1,732 line help system code. Just about every aspect of the mod can be explained in game.... meaning, forgot the name of that cvar... just check /help cvar


For 2.3.0 I will be working on cvaring the damage system a bit so we can play with fair amounts. I will focus mostly on saber throw and anti-randomizing it. On top of that I will be working on a simple way to create .fix files in game. If there are any brave people out there I describe how to write them on the xmod2 site. A bunch of fix files for at least CTF/siege maps would be wonderful.

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//Place this file in the server's xmod folder. Add the line

//exec xmod.cfg

//near the end of your server.cfg file.


// ========== xMod v2.2.0 settings ==========


// Miscellaneous cvars


// New centerscreen MOTD cvar (\n moves to the next line, can use colors with ^1, ^2, etc.)

seta x_newmotd "^2Your MOTD here\n^3This shows use of colors\n^5and line breaks"


// Time (in seconds to display this motd, take 3 seconds to fade)

seta x_newmotd_time "5"


// Enable the use of black in a name,

// 1 - Enables use of the color Black (^0) in names

seta x_blacknames "1"


// Sets Authorization password

seta x_authcode "yourpasswordhere"


// Sets Subadmin password

seta x_subadmincode "subadminpasswordhere"


// Use of duel taunts\emotes in other gametypes,

// 1 - allows multiple taunts (bow, etc) used outside of duel

seta x_tauntanytime "1"


// ==========================================


// Force requirements for kicks\specials\katas cvars


// 0 - Force is required as normal (default)

// 1 - Force is NOT required for all moves

seta x_noforcerequired "0"


// ## - Force required for flipkick (default 0)

seta x_all_fkick_forcer "25"

// ## - Force drained when you flipkick (default 0)

seta x_all_fkick_forced "25"


// ## - Force required for a single saber red DFA (default 25)

seta x_ssr_dfa_forcer "0"

// ## - Force drained when you perform a single saber red DFA (default 25)

seta x_ssr_dfa_forced "0"


// ## - Force required for a single saber yellow DFA (default 25)

seta x_ssy_dfa_forcer "0"

// ## - Force drained when you perform a single saber yellow DFA (default 25)

seta x_ssy_dfa_forced "0"


// ## - Force required for a single saber blue lunge (default 25)

seta x_ssb_lunge_forcer "0"

// ## - Force drained when you perform a single saber blue lunge (default 25)

seta x_ssb_lunge_forced "0"


// ## - Force required for a staff butterfly (default 25)

seta x_sty_bfly_forcer "25"

// ## - Force drained when you perform a staff butterfly (default 25)

seta x_sty_bfly_forced "25"


// ## - Force required for a dual saber butterfly (default 25)

seta x_duy_bfly_forcer "25"

// ## - Force drained when you perform a dual saber butterfly (default 25)

seta x_duy_bfly_forced "25"


// ## - Force required for a single saber blue pullstab (default 25)

seta x_ssb_stab_forcer "0"

// ## - Force drained when you perform a single saber blue pullstab (default 25)

seta x_ssb_stab_forced "0"


// ## - Force required for a cartwheel (default 25)

seta x_all_cart_forcer "25"

// ## - Force drained when you perform a cartwheel (default 25)

seta x_all_cart_forced "25"


// ## - Force required to roll stab (default 25)

seta x_all_rstab_forcer "0"

// ## - Force drained when you perform a roll stab (default 25)

seta x_all_rstab_forced "0"


// ## - Force required to perform any kata (default 50)

seta x_all_kata_forcer "50"

// ## - Force drained when you perform any kata (default 50)

seta x_all_kata_forced "50"


// ==========================================


// Freeze tag cvars - Requires g_gametype to be 8 (ctf) (requires map restart)


// 0 - Freeze tag gametype is disabled (default)

// 1 - Freeze tag gametype is enabled

seta x_freezetag "0"


// ## - Time in seconds it takes to thaw when you are frozen (default 10)

seta x_freezetag_thaw "10"


// ## - Time in seconds a freshly unfrozen character can not be refrozen (default 5)

seta x_freezetag_safe "5"


// ==========================================


// Honor Code cvars


// 0 - Honor code is not enforced on servers (default)

// 1 - Players standing still for X seconds are protected from sabers

// 2 - Players standing still for X seconds are protected from sabers and force

seta x_honor "0"


// 0 - Saber will not drop when honor code is broken (default)

// 1 - Saber will be dropped for X seconds if the honor code is broken

seta x_honor_drop "0"


// ## - Seconds a player must remain idle with saber down

// to be protected by the honor code (default 10)

seta x_honor_idle "10"


// ## - Seconds added to saber drop time each time honor code is violated (default 5)

seta x_honor_time "5"


// 0 - Force can be used normally when you saber is down (default)

// 1 - All attack force can not be used when your saber is down

// 2 - No force can be used when your saber is down

seta x_honor_noforce "0"


// ==========================================


// Duel cvars


// 0 - Sabers will not ignite at the start of a duel

// 1 - Sabers will ignite at the start of a duel (default)

seta x_duel_saberignite "0"


// ## - Starting health for dueling players (default 100)

seta x_duel_starthealth "100"


// ## - Starting shields for dueling players (default 25)

seta x_duel_startshield "25"


// ## - Ending health for duel winner (default 100)

seta x_duel_endhealth "100"


// ## - Ending shields for duel winner (default 25)

seta x_duel_endshield "25"


// # - sets the # of duels that can be simultaneously engaged in

seta x_duel_max "0"


// ==========================================


// Gameplay cvars


// Enable front flipkick, 0 - Disables, 1 - Enables Flipkick

seta x_flipkick "1"


// Pullthrow - 0 - Use of pull/push throw enabled,

// 1 - doesn't allow push/pull while saber throwing

// 2 - makes the saber return

seta x_nopullthrow "0"


// 0 - Disables the use of Protect and Absorb at the same time

// 1 - Enables the use of Protect and Absorb at the same time

seta x_comboforce "1"


// 0 - The use of Mindtrick Level 3 only affects those in your area

// 1 - Corrects Mind Trick Level 3 to mind trick everyone in the level

seta x_mindtrickfix "1"


// 0 - Disables the use of Push and Pull on knocked over players

// 1 - Enables the use of Push and Pull on knocked over players

seta x_pushfallen "1"


// 0 - Gives the player no force when using Absorb to counter Grip

// 1 - Gives the player 50 force (ala Jedi Outcast)

seta x_absorbfix "1"


// 0 - Player's saber shuts off while being gripped

// 1 - Player's saber stays on while being gripped

seta x_gripsaber "1"


// 0 - Player's using Protect receive full velocity from kicks

// 1 - Player's receive less amount of velocity from kicks when using Protect

seta x_kick_protect "1"


// 0 - Player's cannot hold a Grip when enemy is out of their line of sight

// 1 - Player's can hold a Grip when enemy is out of their LOS

seta x_gripfix "1"


// 0 - Players will still slide off other's heads

// 1 - Players will no longer slide of other's heads

seta x_playerfriction "1"


// 0 - Yellow DFA functions normally (default)

// 1 - There is no more forced turn during a yellow DFA

seta x_unlockyellowdfa "1"


// 0 - Rolling functions the default ja way (default)

// 1 - Rolling speed and distance is enhanced

seta x_enhanceroll "1"


// 0 - Speed and Rage speed increase do not stack (default)

// 1 - Speed and Rage speed stacks with each other

seta x_speedragefix "1"


// 0 - Single Player pull stab is disabled (default)

// 1 - Single Player pull stab is enabled

seta x_pullstab "1"


// 0 - You may perform a ground attack on fallen characters (default)

// 1 - Ground special attacks are turned off

seta x_nostabdown "0"


// ===========================================


// Pickup\Powerup Management cvars, 0 - Enables during gameplay

// 1 - Disables pickup or powerup


// Disable health items

seta x_health_disable "0"


// Disable shield items

seta x_shield_disable "0"


// Disable medpac items

seta x_medpac_disable "0"


// Disable powerups

seta x_powerup_disable "0"


// ===========================================


// Global Management cvars


// 0 - Public chat is enabled for everyone (default)

// 1 - Public chat is only available for Auth'd and Subadmins

// 2 - Public chat is only available for Subadmins

seta x_mutepublic "0"


// Lock the red team, 0 - Players are allowed to join the Red team

// 1 - Players cannot access the Red team

seta x_lockred "0"


// Lock the blue team, 0 - Players are allowed to join the Blue team

// 1 - Players cannot access the Blue team

seta x_lockblue "0"


// Suicide- 0 - Suicide (use of the /kill command) is enabled

// 1 - Suicide is disabled, 2 - Smart Kill Award System

seta x_suicidefix "0"


// Amount of time it takes to fall to death in milliseconds, 3000 is default

seta x_fallfadetime "1000"


// 1 - Replaces #health, #armor, #force with your Health, Shield, and Force

seta x_chatreplace "1"


// 0 - Enables public chat sent to those engaged in a duel

// 1 - Disabled public chat being sent to those engaged in a duel

seta x_quietduel "0"


// 0 - Disables the use of /gc bind, /gc gate

// 1 - Enables the use of /gc bind, /gc gate

seta x_allowbind "0"


// 0 - Disables the use of resetting your force, health, and shield (/gc reset)

// 1 - Enables /gc reset

seta x_allowreset "0"


// Configures subadmin powers using a bit value.

// See http://xmod.cat5camp.com/help_sc.html

seta x_subadmincmd "2"


// 0 - do not check speech for profanity, 1 - !@#! out profanity in speech

// 2 - clip out profanity in speech, 3 - warn player X amount of times and then kick

seta x_profanity_check "0"


// # - player will be warned X amount of times for profanity, then kick

seta x_profanity_warning "2"


// Replace profanity with characters desired (ie ****)

seta x_profanity_string "!@#$&"


// 0 - don't check names for profanity,

// 1 - if a name contains profanity change it to 'Padawan'

seta x_profanity_name "1"


// Enable emotes using a bit value. See http://xmod2.cat5camp.com/help_em.html

seta x_emotes "510"


// ===========================================


// Bug\Erroneous cvars


// Jawa- 0 - disables the use of the jawa model

seta x_jawa_model "1"


// Menu- 0 - disables the use of the kyle & luke /menu models

seta x_menu_model "0"


// Wookie- 0 - disables the use of the wookie model

seta x_wookie_model "1"


// 0 - Disables level fixes, 1 - Enables level fixes to correct map exploits

seta x_level_fix "1"


writeconfig jampserver.cfg


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Again thanks for all your efforts, I've uploaded the mod to my server and it's running just great.


If you're adding the force jump+force speed move to the next version I think the question begs to be asked: What are the chances of seeing the various staff kick moves get converted from single to multi player in one of the future versions of your mod?

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This mod is great. I absolutely love the pull stab/slash moves. They are really just the greatest thing since sliced bread. Also I dislike the fact that servers can have no force drain for katas or special moves. Meaning SOMEONE is going to spam katas or butterflys infinitely.


Also the honor code is funny but only somewhat logical. The saber drop system is good yet I can walk up to someone with saber down and shoot them in the head at no consequence.


A few of the moves are also jittery. Roll seems to lag (not a big complaint it looks fine IMO) The yellow DFA isn't really controllable. You seem to spin about 45 degrees instead of 90 and when you try moving the camera spazzes out. The same thing happens when you indefinitely wall cling with g_debugmelee set to 1.


As much as I hate kick, I'm glad to see that it can be stopped with the new pull stab moves, or the fact that absorb/protect combo should eliminate its deadliness for a short period of time. Overall I think this is the greatest mod for JK2/JKA ever. The fact that it does SOOOOOO much and it is serverside makes it amazing.


Keep up the good work Hex. :D

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This mod is great. I absolutely love the pull stab/slash moves. They are really just the greatest thing since sliced bread. Also I dislike the fact that servers can have no force drain for katas or special moves. Meaning SOMEONE is going to spam katas or butterflys infinitely.


Also the honor code is funny but only somewhat logical. The saber drop system is good yet I can walk up to someone with saber down and shoot them in the head at no consequence.


A few of the moves are also jittery. Roll seems to lag (not a big complaint it looks fine IMO) The yellow DFA isn't really controllable. You seem to spin about 45 degrees instead of 90 and when you try moving the camera spazzes out. The same thing happens when you indefinitely wall cling with g_debugmelee set to 1.


As much as I hate kick, I'm glad to see that it can be stopped with the new pull stab moves, or the fact that absorb/protect combo should eliminate its deadliness for a short period of time. Overall I think this is the greatest mod for JK2/JKA ever. The fact that it does SOOOOOO much and it is serverside makes it amazing.


Keep up the good work Hex. :D

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Originally posted by kazesan

Also the honor code is funny but only somewhat logical. The saber drop system is good yet I can walk up to someone with saber down and shoot them in the head at no consequence.

There really shouldn't be a "consequence" for laming an invincible person since, well, they weren't harmed!
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Originally posted by Michaelmexp

TK8252MJL : Is the Xmod on the Jk3files.com server?

No, we're using Jedi Academy Reloaded. Although I hope that cHoSeN oNe will adapt an honor enforcement system for his mod. I've already sent the suggestion to him.


BTW, call me TK. :trooper:

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