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"pets" are your soldiers that follow u around and kill stuff at your command. They can vary from a stormtrooper,(yes they are still called pet's :lol: )to an AT-ST to a rancor to some those little animals you fight in the begining. Factional pets like stormtroopers you need enough faction points to buy. For strong animal pets you need to be a creature handler and be at the right skill level. Master creature handlers can control 3 pets at the same time.

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Unless troopers are your pets, they're pretty much useless (and even as pets they can suck). I live in a player city with a guild...our imperial base is right outside and was under attack by rebels. We must have about 40 stormtroopers and 1 or 2 AT-STs patroling the immediate area at any given time. Not even half of them went after the overt rebels...it was pretty much up to us alone. Now while any human is more than likely better than a NPC trooper, the extra help woulda helped. In terms of the pet troopers...they aren't incredibly smart at seeing their targets.

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