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Origin of "Lamer"


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There's many ways to play a game, it's all about imagination, and what says in the manual. Myself I think crazy FFAs with flipkicks can be fun when you have had too much of the 'calm' gameplay, the honor stuff, that is. And then I get tired of that, and feel the need to just relax. So, to my clanserver I go, and well, feel the usual calm atmosphere there.

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Originally posted by sup3rsnail

I just left the jk3files server.

There was most idiotic assf**cks there.

To name a few : Mother, Velux, Lightning, and The Enigma.

All gang-raping me for being a newb.

We were playing on that bonus map with the floor that can be turned off.


Mother would keep gripping people and throwing them in, AND THEY WOULD'VE JUST SPAWNED!


While Lightning would be controlling the floor. Whenever Mother gripped them over it, Lightning would open up.


Velux was just being an asshole. Since aparently the JK3Files server enforces no chat kill, saber down stuff.

He would just be killing everyone who just spawned or are typing.


The Enigma kept using that THROWING debug thing

Annoying the f*ck out of everyone


And why the hell wasn't an admin there?!?!!?!?


God. I regret buying Jedi Academy...

Oh great, some of those people are supposed to be banned. Apparently we STILL need more admins. We currently have 14 admins and I guess that's not enough!


I apologize for your bad visit, sup3rsnail.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

Oh great, some of those people are supposed to be banned. Apparently we STILL need more admins. We currently have 14 admins and I guess that's not enough!


I apologize for your bad visit, sup3rsnail.


Here are the lengthy and extensive rules from the jk3files.com server:

Gaming Server Rules


Please read these rules very carefully. You will be held responsible for knowing them. The rules for the server are:






Explanations of these rules and additional rules are below.


Admins have the right to determine whether or not you have broken the rules. An admin's decision is final, regardless of whether you think the decision is stupid or not...You may be given a warning if you break the rules. Failure to comply will result in your being kicked, and possibly banned.


If you feel it necessary to question the judgement of an admin, do so via email to one or both of the head admins. If you harass an admin on the server regarding a decision he/she made, your disagreement with a particular rule, or if you cause any interference with an admin doing their job, expect to be kicked from the server.


Head Admins:



Current Admins:













Laming will not be tolerated on the JK3Files server. Do not attack anyone with his or her saber down, period. Attacks include saber and force (and kicking when applicable). Any attack with a saber, including saber throw, is considered laming. Using force on an unarmed player is also not allowed. Yes, even drain and push and pull are considered attacks. If you attack anyone whose saber is down with your saber or with force, you will be kicked.


Do not use "sabering down" as a means of defense. By this, we mean, you are not to attack someone and then immediately drop your saber so you cannot be attacked back. If it appears you are doing this intentionally, you will be kicked.


Your saber MUST be up before using force. The reason for this rule is because if someone, without their saber on, grips someone else and throws them off a cliff, no one can legitimately attack that person because their saber is down. If you continually attack with your saber off, you will be kicked from the server.


Also, we do not allow "revenge laming". As noble as you may think it is, we will remove you from the server if you "lame lamers".


No offensive language. By offensive, we mean the really, really bad words in excess. Offensive language includes anything derogatory; whether it’s sexually derogatory or just plain mean. Words that refer to sexual preference used inappropriately will not be tolerated. Most words that you hear on television are acceptable. What is more important is whether those words are used in a confrontational manner. For example, “life’s a b*tch,” can be tolerated, while “you b*tch” cannot. Though we are flexible with some name-calling if the tone is obviously light and no offense was intended. F**k and s**t are NEVER tolerated under any circumstances, nor are ANY form of racial epithets, whether pointing to any race’s superiority or inferiority. Taunts may be mean-spirited, to a degree. If it’s too offensive, you will be asked to not use those particular taunts. Anything you say to make someone else uncomfortable will be met with a request to stop. If you do not stop, you will be kicked.


No scripts. If we suspect you are using scripts, (or any other cheats for that matter), you will be asked not to. If you continue to use them, you will be kicked or banned.


No interfering with duels. This means, stay out of the way of duelists and do not try to distract someone while they are dueling. If you are in the way of a duel, expect to be forcibly moved by an admin. If you are interfering with a duel, you will be kicked from the server.


Kill Trackers (KT) are useful for some people for many reasons. However, the constant kill tracker messages in a crowded server playing an FFA can be a bit much. So we have decided to not allow KT messages on the server anymore. Please be sure that that feature on your KT is turned off. If you do use a KT and are asked to disable the messages and do not, you will be kicked. If you continue to ignore our request, you will be banned.


Some models or skins have been banned from our server either because they're partially invisible or they have an inconsistant hitbox and/or damage model compared to the other models, giving the user an unfair advantage. Those models/skins not allowed on the JK3Files server include:

Half invisible Luke & Kyle







If you encounter other players breaking these rules, do NOT try to enforce the rules yourself. If you are having an issue with a lamer, simply tell an admin who is present, or try messaging AmosMagee at icop@mail.com (MSN). If you still cannot get a hold of an admin to help you, then take a screenshot of whatever the person is doing and email it to an admin. Please include the person’s name. To take a screenshot of the console (in the event the person was more verbally abusive), simply type /screenshot in the console.


There is no mention of "gripping people and throwing them in" or "using that throwing debug thing" being against these very lengthy and comphrensive rules that apparently even an army of fourteen admins is insufficient to enforce (LOL, perhaps some servers think they need a 1 to 1 ratio of admins to players). You respawn armed and temporarily invulnerable, and you don't have to saber-off to chat so I don't think the "don't 'lame' unarmed players" rule was necessarily broken.


Other than one person "killing" others who were typing (*gasp!*), perhaps TK can explain exactly what rules were broken here.

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

There is no mention of "gripping people and throwing them in" or "using that throwing debug thing" being against these very lengthy and comphrensive rules that apparently even an army of fourteen admins is insufficient to enforce (LOL, perhaps some servers think they need a 1 to 1 ratio of admins to players). You respawn armed and temporarily invulnerable, and you don't have to saber-off to chat so I don't think the "don't 'lame' unarmed players" rule was necessarily broken.


Other than one person "killing" others who were typing (*gasp!*), perhaps TK can explain exactly what rules were broken here.

Umm, we've disallowed the use of debug moves... it's a new discovery and they haven't updated the rules page yet. There is no rule about gripping people out of the bottom of that map, but, who knows what really wen't on.
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Originally posted by TK8252MJL



But don't use those moves at JK3Files, we don't allow 'em. :p


But its only the knockmedown debug and saber dropping debug. Selfdismemberent is allowed


Originally posted by sup3rsnail

While Lightning would be controlling the floor. Whenever Mother gripped them over it, Lightning would open up.


Do you know that Lightning is registered in these forums? p.gif

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1.) Bow 4 times before a duel.

2.) Bow 5 times over the dead persons body after a duel

3.) Print of a version of the H0n0rz cod3 and store it above ones head at all times.

4.) Wash before reading the h0n0rz cod3

5.) If laming occurs by accident, officially apologise, email all concerned with an apology, post on clan forums a sincere letter of regret and self kill 10 times.

6.) If lamed, scream lamer and ask the admin to ban him. Spam the server with angry messages, focused around the words lamer, lameass, no h0n0rz, dishonorable and big laming lameass lamer.

7.) Always use a kill tracker and use binds containing exotic symbols such as --==/\/\><><~~--¬

8.) Never fight in a ffa server.

9.) 98% of time must be spent chatting, rereading the h0norz cod3 and idling.

10.) Always wear hero skins, such as Grand Master Wookie and use special names such as Luek the great.

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