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Who have played Star Wars X-Wing Alliance through?


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That's ok...

(who buys a game and does not play until the end?)


Will you tell about the difficulty you played? First playing I tried to win easy and go on to next mission, but found it afterwards as "scratching the surface" (of this game). Results were poor this way. By now I'm replaying all missions and try to get them all with hard playing. At the end it is a better feeling to say: it works! Maybe some (rare) missions I would fly easy mode rather, because then you can achieve all bonus points, i. e. Battle1 Mission5, where it is possible to destroy the whole fleet of 7 capital ships with an A-Wing alone! (4484/3400 by 52 Targets).


And what about points/bonus? Did you clean up the screen, no Imps left? I don't want to tease you, I'm really interested. Let's say, there are some questions I couldn't find an answer until now. The game-manual talks about a special Gold-Squadron you can reach and fly with (better rebelpilots?), if you get enough bonus earned. Sure? Got tons of bonus without that experience. I will inspect these missions with my brand-new editor, so if there is nothing inside, it can not go outside, isn't it?


(If you played easy, don't worry, be happy: you have hours of trying hard in front of you!!) :D

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Yeah, that's the way one should do...


Hi Sas24!


Shall any other (frustrated) player check this: it's possible!


Then surely you played some missions in a very personal style, what means: go first or seek the right corners to hide and such things (not dying too early with a clean blade in his hand).


The hardest for me wasn't last (tunnel run), but defense of Liberty, because: I could survive and shot down a lot of Imps, but the Liberty was very, very often smashed by the kamikaze ties...


Because the "intelligence" of rebell-fighters doesn't seem to rise with difficult-levels, there is a "break" between medium and hard, that is: seeing the green ones falling soon, so you always have to do alone...


Some big scores to tell (biggest?).


Greetings from now white "black forest" (snow in winter is rare since some ten years).


Bhakar (alias A.F.)



P.S.: If I could get my ten years old back, I would play it again and again... ;-)

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That is right: found the end of the XWA-story as if the producer of a film was running out of money, so hurrying up his crew to come to an (somehow) fitting end. Why not adding the tunnel run as a kind of bonus-mission, as a kind of: what happend that day all around...? And playing instead the Acameen-role as it was before: flying a fighter to win the mission - but what to say, when this story was never continued until today.

Totally Games should give the last "unknowns" about the editor to the fan-communities, which is already writing campaigns anyway. Imagination... how many people are involved in the process of story-writing - say at LukasArts? How many people have good ideas never mentioned? I think, they should use these resources from time to time (it could save them money too!). I saw it to often: some of the best things were created by people working in a garage (not in skyscrapers; think of Linux versus Windows...).

Fans never would have allowed such an end of that game!!


Bhakar (alias A.F.)

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1. Fans will never be offical reconized by TG for thier work

2. Fans have worded very hard ot re-do the graphic models at http://www.xwaupgrade.com

3. I know there were some custom missions people made for Post-endor. I know some of them included a mod where you were part of an E-wing squadron, and also had to fight Tie-uglies

4. TG was rushed to finish the game before the New moives came out. models, missions, and the end of the storyline suffered.

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Originally posted by André Friedrich

some of the best things were created by people working in a garage (not in skyscrapers; think of Linux versus Windows...).


and exactly how do you think windows started?? UNIX, what linux copycats and thieves constantly, was created no-where near a garage, but in huge super-computer shops at IBM, Bell Labs, SCO.........Berkely, and a few others. Linus Torvald just 're-wrote' a nice way of saying copied parts of unix he liked and made it ran on his computer............wow hat a genious.......

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, sounds right in a way. But you can see, how things develop, when firms are growing and loose that "basic instinct", no more listening to what "small people" really need, like and want.


Or say.


Microsoft is such a big goliath, but after ten years of windows, they still have (same old) problems; and what is stolen here, is kept away there.


But let's talk about games: I see new games every month, but nothing really new. Stupid running, shooting, no story, no great music, too much "no, none, nothing". Just a new package for selling (and don't forget the newest graphic-card).


Dear Santa Claus,

I want mission playing able to play with someone else together.

I want flightsimulators beeing hard to learn, realistic in graphics and storyboard!, not shooting 2 million bullets on silly birds.

I want mission editors for every new game!

I want games with different goals/ways possible, not: you must knock at that door, else you can't finish.


...sorry, I'm running out of "wants", so must stop now.



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