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Splinter Cell 2: Pnadora Tomorrow

Sam Fisher

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Wait wait wait....you gave me crap because i got stuck at quite possibly the hardest point in the game...and you had a STRATEGY GUIDE?!?!?!?!?!?!






But seriously, I dont typically use strategy guides or gamefaqs or walkthroughs...because then you didn't really beat it yourself now did you?


Man, with your name being Sam fisher and all, I would have expected that you were GOOD at that game or something.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Wait wait wait....you gave me crap because i got stuck at quite possibly the hardest point in the game...and you had a STRATEGY GUIDE?!?!?!?!?!?!






But seriously, I dont typically use strategy guides or gamefaqs or walkthroughs...because then you didn't really beat it yourself now did you?

I usually use them to find the difficult secret item. (Dog tags in MGS2, Dragon Coins and other things in plataformers, etc.)

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Originally posted by the_raven_0_3

If you beat the game, why would you then go out and buy the strategy guide. It makes no sense whatsoever.


Yeah, what he said...UNLESS of course you are a millionaire and just love to waste money. But even then. Why waste your money on a freakin strategy guide for a game that you've beaten?


Geeze, do you even knw what your doing? Its helpful to get tips.. just look for them. Easy.


Don't lecture me boy, I've been playing video games since before you were even BORN.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Yeah, what he said...UNLESS of course you are a millionaire and just love to waste money. But even then. Why waste your money on a freakin strategy guide for a game that you've beaten?




Don't lecture me boy, I've been playing video games since before you were even BORN.


Hes right you know. You should only buy stradegy guides for STRADEGY GAMES. Like Everquest, Diablo, etc. Otherwise its pretty pointless, beating the game or not.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Hes right you know. You should only buy stradegy guides for STRADEGY GAMES. Like Everquest, Diablo, etc. Otherwise its pretty pointless, beating the game or not.

both those are rpgs, but anyways, i have the Diablo II LOD strategy guide, and it helps ;)

It came in the battlechest, but still, pretty neat :)

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Originally posted by Sam Fisher

Argh, you are sooooo hopeless ET.


lol, and its about time he takes off his santa hat, xmas was weeks ago.


Originally posted by ET Warrior

Don't lecture me boy, I've been playing video games since before you were even BORN.


You've been playing it since the second world war? Computers arent even invented yet. :p

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March 17, 1990 / May 31, 1991


Lets see, according to your Bios that's when sam fisher AND Crow_Nest were born....and I started playing video games sometime back in 1989...so..yeah. I have no idea what you're talking about.


Argh, you are sooooo hopeless ET.

I'm hopeless? What about the other people in here who all agree it seems slightly....stupid to get a strategy guide for splinter cell when you've already beat the game?


Jeeeeez, I ask a simple question about a part that gave me trouble and you gotta jump up on your high horse and try to sound like you're some sorta gaming god because you didn't get stuck there.


lol, and its about time he takes off his santa hat, xmas was weeks ago.


I like mah hat.

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Originally posted by Sam Fisher

And I bought the guide after, so I could see the way Prima went though it. It was inferior.


You are sounding like you are saying that you are better then people who get paid to play through the games.


And what advice did you really offer him?

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Really? You actually got stuck? Hehe, this is... well funny to me.
ET, have you ever heard of sneaking?
Aww, come on guys, that part is easy. All you have to do is leard where all the guards are, and where they go. And pay attention to anything flammable


I have organized all of your postst in a logical manner. As noted here. You didn't really offer me very much advice. Aside from looking for flammable things, that was real advice.


I'm not too proud to take advice, but I AM too poor to buy a strategy guide.

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Ok, here you go. Advise.


At the bottom of the lift, go immediately to the left, the ntake up a position at the end of the bookcase, crouched and facing the center aisle of the library. The first guard shows up in the center aisle at ground level, quickly dispatch 'em. In the center aisle, a second guard follows the first, shoot him also. After taking then out, back to the corner of the library and aim through the bookcase at the guard on the stairs, and use sniper mode to get the shot in his eye. Once all four are down, loot them for a frag grenade and medkits as well as some data sticks.


Remember, the guards are weak in the eyes, and I think in the neck.


Please don't be mad at me ET, I really don't want that. If this helps you out, cheers.

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Originally posted by Sam Fisher

Ok, here you go. Advise.


At the bottom of the lift, go immediately to the left, the ntake up a position at the end of the bookcase, crouched and facing the center aisle of the library. The first guard shows up in the center aisle at ground level, quickly dispatch 'em. In the center aisle, a second guard follows the first, shoot him also. After taking then out, back to the corner of the library and aim through the bookcase at the guard on the stairs, and use sniper mode to get the shot in his eye. Once all four are down, loot them for a frag grenade and medkits as well as some data sticks.


Remember, the guards are weak in the eyes, and I think in the neck.


Please don't be mad at me ET, I really don't want that. If this helps you out, cheers.


Yeah, what he said, but there is a fourth guard on the balcony above your head from your killing nest, so pop him before you go looting bodies. Sorry I couldn't help sooner, but I just spotted the post today. I would have helped you without all the crap thrown at you for needing it.



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