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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Guy: We are not together by coincidence. We do not know what this quest will bring, and killing one of our own is akin to cutting off a limb. Marin's lies could not have done any further harm had Svafa not turned violent. It would have been clear to us that Marin was lying.


However Svafa gave in to her anger and prepared to attack "Raschel", threatening to kill us if we tried to stop her. The survival of the group was not in jeopardy until then. Need I point out that if "Raschel" had been telling the truth, we would have been correct to restrain an infected Svafa? Raschel was already restrained, and she did nothing but point a weapon. Svafa's attack was wholly unnecessary and motivated by anger. This is as unnacceptable as Hal leaving the group for the same reason. At least he would not have directly harmed us as Svafa would have.

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Orthos: Gortick is my brother. You leave him, you leave me. And don't forget those avatars have helped out before and may well do again. And how can you blame us for not trusting you? You were out to kill us. You'd have done the same in our position.

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Irvine "Stop bickering please. It's their ship, their decision. Although I may share your opinion Guy, and I had no intention of killing either one myself, if anything restraining both until we were sure. But like they said, it's a matter of trust."

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Misae: Shut up, ...whichever clone you are. I ...Sithspit, since when did you become the voice of reason? Forget I said anything. *She walks away*


Guy: *looking at Irvine* Obviously their decision does not affect me because I have my own ship, and I do not intend to appeal it. You miss the point altogether. Trust was not an issue in this situation. We would not have knowingly trusted Heimdall, Marin or Aidan, would we? Svafa's style of thinking could continue to be dangerous to us.

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Heimdall: Orthos that is not good enough, and I do not respond well to threats. From all indication these quests will continue to become more dangerous as time passes. So I'll ask you, can Gortick handle himself in a fight and in such positions? If you say yes, then we will take him. Remember though that you will be placing him in danger and if he can't you possible place the rest of us in danger as well. The same goes for that one*pointing to Matt*


Idun to Guy: Think what you want, Svafa style of thinking and actions saved the group. You all of you owe her an apology and a thank you. Or have your forgotten who it was that returned the sword to Heimdall? As far as a danger to the group, she was trying to save it. If she was a real danger and truely gave into her anger then She would not have said a word and just killed "Raschel"

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Heimdall: Perhaps, but have you been trained and can you harness your power? An untrained powerful person can be more of a liability then an Asset. However, the decision about whether you come or not is up to your brother now. I'm still waiting to here about the other one.

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Guy: Idun, if you had let me access my ship immediately, none of this would have happened. Everyone could have been captured and wiped of the magic affecting them within minutes. However you wouldn't trust me, and thus all of this happened. Consider this before you ask me for thanks or apologies on behalf of one who we denied our trust in the same manner and for the same reasons that you denied me.


As for the young man, why not let him speak for himself?


((OOS: Jokemaster! Where are you? :D))

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Idun: That very well may have been a possiblity, I stress "may have been." Also I did not say that you were wrong in your thinking. It still doesn't change the fact that Svafa was the one who began the reversion of the three. As far as her thinking is concerned, you really have no idea what she was thinking or her reasons, and she is no danger to this group.


As far as an apology or a thankyou is concerned, we and especially her don't expect it, just something you should consider. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get Marin into the ship.



*Idun bends over and picks up Marin and walks towards the ship*


Heimdall: He *gesturing towards Matt* Can certainly speak for himself, I'll still need at least one of you to either to back up his story and if it is not good enough and you still want to take him then one of you will have to take responsiblity for him.

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((RH)) Irvine *steping forward* "I had told Svafa once earilyer that I'd take the fullest responsibility for him. He's untrained but if we kept him from the next few places were the map says that we need to go, I'm sure he'll be no problem. Now for Gorlick I'm sure that either myself, Hal and Misae can surely help him with any area he would require 'bushing up' on. The only thing I ask is material to construct a few more lightsabers, nothing special."

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Originally posted by Redwing

Misae: Shut up, ...whichever clone you are. I ...Sithspit, since when did you become the voice of reason? Forget I said anything. *She walks away*


((btw: when this chapter started i had RH irvine have kept his long hair, and grew a beard


while WH irvine hadn't, and cut his hair short


(just for starters)))

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  • 2 weeks later...

((OOS: I'm going to assume that Matt is talking to someone else or off by himself since JM isn't replying.))


Guy: Irvine, you have asked Matt about this, right? Becoming his master, as it were?


*At that moment, in the distance directly behind Irvine's head, red sparks shoot up into the air with a distant crack. They form themselves into brilliant white stars. The stars are arranged to spell out four words*



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((Or he's just cant speak due to possibly being pressured to speak, 'matt' is young btw))


*Irvine spins around to look*


Irvine "White hat? What could that mean!?"


WH Irvine "Who or what is the one with the 'white hat'?"

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*Guy opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again. He looks taken aback. The stars begin to slowly sink towards the ground*


Guy: We need to leave, right now.


*His hand goes to his wrist, but there is nothing there. He turns and heads quickly towards the Asgardried*


Guy: Quickly, into the ship!


*A shriek pierces the air, and a line of red light stabs in front of Guy, who stops dead. It just misses him. A disembodied voice, that of a woman, speaks*


Voice: *hatefully* Blood traitor! You shall not---You shall not take another step!


*Yards from Guy, a woman appears out of thin air. She looks remarkably like Guy, with the same blonde hair, gray eyes, and tall, thin build. She wears gray, with a white cloak wrapped half around herself. She holds a long rod that came to a point at the top. She held the point directed at Guy.


The two stare at each other for a moment. An expression of intense hate twists her features. For his part, Guy looks shocked.


Another moment, and two other figures appear. One was short, wearing black, apparently male. He looked lizardlike and has large pale slitted eyes, and carried a gun with a tip that looked like it could have doubled as a hose nozzle.


The other was large and completely covered in gray armor, tall as Guy but much wider. His gray hemet had glowing white eyeslits. He carried a vicious-looking implement that resembled a halberd. He spoke*


Gray-Armored Man: Eudoxia! You were told not to---


*The lizard creature interrupts* Never mind that, Trern. We mustn't let them escape now.


*He raises the gun*

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*Heimdall while taking in the scene retrieves his sword from Aidan. Lightning within the blade flares back to life *


Heimdall: Guy, I'm sorry to disappoint your friends but we really do need to get going so, say good bye, kill them or do whatever you need to and get on the ship.


*Heimdall turns his back on the newcomers and walks toward the ship. His sword held at the ready*

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Guy: *in a whisper* Eudoxia...my...sister...


*He remains rooted to the spot*


Misae: Excuse me? Are you threatening us? *She ignites her lightsaber*


*The lizardlike being nods towards Heimdall* Stop him.


*The gray-armored man lifts his halberd, and charges at Heimdall*

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((OOS: Scar, read my post. The huge gray-armored man charged Heimdall, not the lizardman.


Also, what you did was borderline godmoding anyway, because you don't already know the capabilities of my just-introduced characters. :p


You should either post that your character attempted to do that, or actually ask me whether what you wanted to do would work or not.


Or at the very least, refrain from posting so many actions assuming my characters don't react. (Especially don't then assume that you have time for a speech afterwards.)


[/end lecture]))

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*Three things happen at exactly the same time.


The gray-armored being stumbles, but recovers his footing. He swings his halberd at Heimdall.


The lizard-being fires his gun at RH Irvine as he trips his friend. An cone-shaped spray of energy shoots out of its tip, hitting RH Irvine, as well as Misae's arm. Rivulets of white energy wrap around the two of them. Both suddenly find it much harder to move. Misae tried to use the Force push the attacker to the ground, but finds it difficult to concentrate.


Eudoxia's staff fires a round bolt of blue light at Guy. Instantly, he leaps into the air, but not quickly enough. The bolt catches him in the midriff and smashes him to the ground*

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