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Chaos Theory


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Feh. I've been thinking of this "chaos theory" naturally ever since I was 10. :p


Pretty much just that you deciding not to eat a pizza, someone else eats the pizza, gets sicks and cant go to school, so the person who would beat him up decides to beat up someone smaller, and kills him by accident.


..maybe I will watch The Butterfly Effect.Although all of these time traveling guys always end up trying to fix thier mistakes without seriously thinking through them.:p

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here is another link that offers an intro to chaos theory http://www.imho.com/grae/chaos/chaos.html if you try and apply chaos theory to every day existence, which is what i think aries was getting at, and attempt to pull a pattern out of the seemingly random events that guide us through our daily lives, it seems that one begins to approach the same questions and inquiries that religion and philosophy have been attempting to discover for, i'll just say, a very long time by means of a mathmatics so complicated that only god could understand the nuances. if this statement is to be believed then chaos theory is the mathematical application that would allow mankind to plot destinies and fate. but then i really dont know what i think about this modest suggestion

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there is theoretical an infinite number of possibilities, although, depending to the observed chaotic system, it might turn finite within the system or while the system "changes". or vice versa. :)



basically i think chaos theory is a good way to describe whats going on in the world. it even could be used to determine nearly everything that can happen. but this would need massive calculations, which again need massive brain/cpu/whatever-power, which we dont have of course. and also we would need to know all the variables to calculate how they change. and that is with nowadays technology quite impossible.

but we already use models of the chaos theory, for example to "forecast" the weather. of course we can only take a guess, based on some calculation with weather facts collected by meteorological stations from all over the earth. although it's more a lack of information than information (within the terms of chaos theory), it can be used to graph a tendency of the weather, due to processing those data in huge powerful computers. and in some cases it already works pretty well.. most of the time.. :)

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Originally posted by MennoniteHobbit

So, does that mean there are infinite possibilities to what we do? Or too many for our minds to handle? Huh?

I'm confusing myself.

*I exit this thread for now




It's difficult to say if there are infinite possibilities although there probably are. But of that infinity how many portions of the stuff which makes up those possibilities truly have a bearing on the possible outcome of an event. A great deal of the data(and from the way I understand it the data is finite) is superflous and relitively unimportant. It's redundant in the way that these pieces of data interact with each other. Sometimes their interaction produces chaos (no pattern) but sometimes the interaction creates a temporary harmony (a pattern). In the link I found it says that the meteorologist that 1st discovered chaos theory happened across the anomolie in a computers calculation because to save time he entered the number .560 instead of .560325 or whatever and that drastically changed the pattern eventhough the difference between those 2 #'s is infinitesmaly small (how do you spell that word?)


let me ask this. How many options have you missed in your life. How many times have you gone right when you should of gone left or avoided a danger that you will never be aware of. How much different would your life be if you had of been introduced to spiritual music when you were 5 instead of much later (that is if youve ever been introduced to it) or if you had approached that girl or boy you eyed across the room instead of leaving only with your regret. on and on and on ad infinitum.


But the past is the past. Their infinite possibility is already finished. They are as slow as stone but there is still the future and if you choose to do so you have the ability to make it more potent. To change and live a more fulfilling life. I admit this is not exactly chaos theory it is more precisely the realm of philosophy or religon. It's extremely difficult to transfer pure mathmatics into the realm of perceivable occurances but I think this is what aries was trying to hint at when he asked "what makes living such an interesting expirience"


In war what factors create those who die and those who survive, for war is one of the most chaotic expiriences that one may live through. Sports is the more cultured humane form of this chaos, and if you think about it there could be an infinite number of possiblities in a football game. But there are factors that control it like ability or skill speed agility strength instinct intelligence awareness ect. it is the same with war. I think I'll end with that

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