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Monkey Island 3 help meeeeeeeee


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I have a problem: At the begining of act 3 when your ship is attacked by that bold guy and your crew starts singing that stupid song, while they sing I can't go forward. I just see the lyrics on the screen and I can't go forward. I wated 5 minutes and nothing happened. I had to quit. Please help me.

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Can I just take a wild guess at this. The lines for the first vers are above the three pirates who are now bobbing up and down as if dancing, there is no music and no voice (ever) and all you here is the sultry sound of the sea. Nothing else happens but that. If this is correct please say yes.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, you see, the problem is quite simple, you own a pirated copy of the game, and this is a very common problem with pirated copies of the game. But rest assure, the solutions is quite simple. All you have to do is close the game down, take the CD out of the drive, look at the underside, wipe it... and then throw it as hard as you can against a brick wall (plaster will do). Then go out and buy the actual game.


I hope this helps




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Originally posted by Joshi

Well, you see, the problem is quite simple, you own a pirated copy of the game, and this is a very common problem with pirated copies of the game. But rest assure, the solutions is quite simple. All you have to do is close the game down, take the CD out of the drive, look at the underside, wipe it... and then throw it as hard as you can against a brick wall (plaster will do). Then go out and buy the actual game.


I hope this helps





<naughty swearing re-edited away by bg>

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You could play Frisbee with the disc, but thats dangerous. My friend nearly choked to death playing that game with the Sonic Heroes disc. SH is chod.


That is, of course, assuming you have a CD.


That is, of course, as long as you didn't download it.

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