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I Need Help Deciding Wether Or Not To Get This Game...

Lord Haine

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Hi everyone,

Basically what im asking is can a few people please tell me some of there favourite things about the game, or just good things about it, but then tell me some of the worst things about it, and then wether or not they think i should get it, im talking about bugs and lag and all that, is it really that bad? Theres so much of a mixed idea about it i just dont know. So basically im asking this, if you could please write...


Favourite things:


Worst things:




So me and other new people to the game will know wether or not to get this or something like the Matrix Online, even though i think SWG looks better, i really would like this game but i dont know wether i should because ive heard so much bad things about the game, i need to here some of the good things about it... Thanks everybody,


Oh yeah my Computer Specifications are as follows;


3GHz Pentium 4 with HT Tech

512MB DDR RAM [Can upgrade to 1GB later]


3D Prophet 9800 Pro 128MB

DVD-Rom Drive

Freedom2Surf 512KB ADSL


How do you think it will run? I know im asking alot of all of you. But please...?


Thanks again to everyone that contributes. :)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The only good thing I can come up with is the community.


As for bad things. Either check earlier posts of mine as theres too many to list. So far, not many have come up with positive arguements for the game.


Your system should handle it fine - but expect to have 1fps (frames per second) when in cities as there can be a huge amount of lag - no matter on your connection/ram etc.


Or try these quotes from reviews I picked up


"..valuted to the pinnacle of this years garbage and clung to the top spot with a vigor that is so woefully absent in the game itself."


"a souless compendium of game design theories masquerading as entertainment"



"utterly bereft of the action, thrills, and intrigue that used to tipify the Star Wars universe"


"gamers are expected to shiver in excitement over the opportuniry to make shoes and sports bras for other players"



"to heal by sitting down and watching other players punch hotkeys under the delusion they are "performing". No they are paying $15 a month to press F12."



"Was there anything more mean-spirited in gaming in 2003 than Galaxies Jedi Policy, making becoming a Jedi nigh to impossible, then rewarding the one or two lucky shut-ins that actually become Force Sensitive with permanent character death after months of misguided devotion?"



"Biggest disappointment of the year"


"pay-as-you-go force-feeding of dirt



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I've kinda been curious about this game too. It sounds like it could be interesting... but most of the reviews I've seen say it's slow/boring/repetitive, and offers few rewards for all the effort (and actual cash put into the game and monthly fees).


I think I remember something saying ppl haven't even figured out how to become Jedi yet... :confused:


I'm pretty content with KotOR as is, so is it worth the extra cash to jump into this game too?

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Hey everyone, thanks for the replies, but please keep them coming it, its greatly appreciated, but another question, mainly to lil_dude, just how bad is the lag? What does it drop your Frame Rate to? And also to everyone, is there a 29 Frames Per Second limit? No matter where you are you can never go above 29 FPS because SOE capped it? I dont know wether this is true, i hope not, but ive heard on mIRC that its true, is it??


Also... Hax0red, are you in the UK?

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Nope, I'm from the good ol' U.S. of A. :D


And, after reading some other posts and reviews on this game, I'm starting to think it is probably a better idea to just skip it : /


I mean, $50 for the game, plus $12 a month if you buy an entire year up front, (with one month free), means I'd be spending $182 on a game loaded with bugs, lag spikes, a shrinking community, AND worst of all, no definitive way of becoming a Jedi (and from what I've heard, even after spending months "grinding" for exp to reach Jedi, if you die you completely lose your character :mad: ). Altogether, that sounds... well.... pretty terrible.....

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I guess the lag would be better for those in the USA, as most of the popular servers are here.


Lag really isnt a major problem for me as an issue because I was logging into the USA, so i did expect it. The Frame rate drop though does happen alot and can happen in empty areas.


Normal frame rate between 25-29



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Its a great game? Whats so great about it? I have seen many say its great - but no actual reasons why...come on now ;)



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Originally posted by Neversober

OMG ???

You are a moderator ? LMAO :)

What a great person to have as a moderator on a SWG forum than someone that does not like SWG.


This is the funniest thing ever ....hahahahahahahahahaha :)

No, he is not.


He is a Super Moderator which means he has mod powers in all the forums on the Lucas Forums. That includes this forum.


If anyone is still confused, check out this site and see what else is incorporated into the LucasArts Fan Network (LFN).

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Guest DarthMaulUK

me to *rubs hands* hehe


I didnt think he had the game. Must have just bought it. Remember, i was playing for 6 months - well 5 because I spent the first month with dozens of problems! :-(



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Been playing for 7-8 months (when did the game come out again? late June or late July?) and still enjoying it. Been up and down a few times when I didn't feel like playing with it anymore, but come on, who playes a game for months and months, every single day, and don't get tired once in awhile? :D

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Guest DarthMaulUK



Theres a difference between getting tired (or bored) and enjoying games. I still play Galactic Battlegrounds as its fun.


I spent alot of time in galaxies, building up business relationships, endless, pointless hours of grinding (remember, this wasnt going to be in the game) but I think Galaxies took a major turn for the worst when it launched Player Cities and insurance for pvp.


It more or less emptied the cities and killed off the large raids that used to happen in the 'good old days'. How i remember taking part in 40v40 + battles of rebels and imps on various raids.


Player cities has really spaced things out and just made Galaxies another boring game. If you love spending hours grinding - fine - but Galaxies is about Star wars and lets not forget - there is a war out there and it has taken the Dev team 8 months to realise this.


Sorry. From day 1, Galaxies should have had vehicles, mounts and these Imperial spot checks and raids because it picks up right in the middle of the war.


Will galaxies improve? Maybe a little but at what cost to the player?



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Guest DarthMaulUK

I approached Galaxies with an open mind - like everyone else i wanted to play it and just spend my life in Galaxies - and I did! Despite all the crashing i went through, i put up with it.


But after 6 months, the final reply from SOEs tech support made me cancel and that was it.


Every day, I was posting the dump report the game produces when it crashes (example below)


-- 2003-12-08 12:17 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208121639.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/vertex_color_lighting.vsh 2905 (internal error: unexpected input register type


-- 2003-12-08 12:18 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208121731.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/a_simple.vsh 16389 (../../shared_program/functions.inc(8): error X4000: variable 'v' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 12:19 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208121843.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 12:20 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208121925.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/bad_vertex_shader.vsh 2905 (internal error: unexpected input register type


-- 2003-12-08 12:21 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208122106.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78c=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:11 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208123815.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:12 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208141152.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:13 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208141246.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/terrain_dot3_vs20_blend1.vsh 16389 (vertex_program/include/functions.inc(184): error X4000: variable 'calculateDiffuseParallelLight' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 14:13 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208141316.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:15 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208141446.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ddc8=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:56 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145430.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:56 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145633.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78c=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:57 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145702.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d4e7=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:57 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145734.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d4e7=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:58 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145805.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce22=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:58 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145836.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78c=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:07 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208150712.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c7e1=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:09 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208150900.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce0e=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:10 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208150951.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d4a7=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:11 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208151109.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:13 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208151306.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78c=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:15 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208151444.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:16 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208151557.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ddc8=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:22 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208152146.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:22 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208152221.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/a_simple.vsh 16389 (internal error: cannot write to argument pool (A0, I255)


-- 2003-12-08 16:25 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208155350.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:26 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208162545.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:26 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208162632.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245cdf4=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:27 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208162701.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/a_simple.vsh 16389 (vertex_program/include/functions.inc(199): error X4000: variable 'light' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 16:29 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208162804.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:43 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208164223.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:44 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208164308.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ddc8=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:27 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208170829.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:29 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208172823.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/terrain_dot3_vs20_blend1.vsh 16389 (vertex_program/include/functions.inc(184): error X4000: variable 'light' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 17:29 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208172923.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ca9d=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:33 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208173038.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c6d0=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:34 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208173336.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d422=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:40 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208173956.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d539=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:41 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208174114.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:42 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208174206.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d422=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:43 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208174320.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:45 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208174419.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/terrain_dot3_vs20_blend3.vsh 16389 (vertex_program/include/functions.inc(184): error X4000: variable 'light' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 18:46 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208184435.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 100262c5=addr


-- 2003-12-08 20:25 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208184628.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr



Notice some of the times. I would go through this every single day. SOE blamed everything on my PC and finally blamed my ISP again. Now, I was using a different ISP as I moved, but I knew full well it was down to their awful programming.


Yes, not everyone has up to date PCs but when reading some of the excuses they sent me, if I was a total computer nOOb, I would have been spending pointless hours reformatting, opening up the pc case etc. The funniest one I heard was because of the graphics card heating up - rubbish.


I have an ATi Radeon 9800 128 pro at home and i was lucky enough to play Galaxies on the top of the line Alienware PC here at work and there were still issues.


Now you know my pain



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

I approached Galaxies with an open mind - like everyone else i wanted to play it and just spend my life in Galaxies - and I did! Despite all the crashing i went through, i put up with it.


But after 6 months, the final reply from SOEs tech support made me cancel and that was it.


Every day, I was posting the dump report the game produces when it crashes (example below)


-- 2003-12-08 12:17 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208121639.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/vertex_color_lighting.vsh 2905 (internal error: unexpected input register type


-- 2003-12-08 12:18 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208121731.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/a_simple.vsh 16389 (../../shared_program/functions.inc(8): error X4000: variable 'v' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 12:19 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208121843.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 12:20 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208121925.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/bad_vertex_shader.vsh 2905 (internal error: unexpected input register type


-- 2003-12-08 12:21 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208122106.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78c=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:11 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208123815.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:12 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208141152.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:13 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208141246.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/terrain_dot3_vs20_blend1.vsh 16389 (vertex_program/include/functions.inc(184): error X4000: variable 'calculateDiffuseParallelLight' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 14:13 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208141316.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:15 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208141446.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ddc8=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:56 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145430.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:56 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145633.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78c=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:57 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145702.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d4e7=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:57 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145734.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d4e7=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:58 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145805.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce22=addr


-- 2003-12-08 14:58 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208145836.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78c=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:07 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208150712.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c7e1=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:09 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208150900.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce0e=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:10 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208150951.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d4a7=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:11 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208151109.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:13 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208151306.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78c=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:15 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208151444.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:16 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208151557.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ddc8=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:22 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208152146.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 15:22 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208152221.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/a_simple.vsh 16389 (internal error: cannot write to argument pool (A0, I255)


-- 2003-12-08 16:25 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208155350.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:26 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208162545.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:26 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208162632.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245cdf4=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:27 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208162701.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/a_simple.vsh 16389 (vertex_program/include/functions.inc(199): error X4000: variable 'light' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 16:29 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208162804.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:43 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208164223.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 16:44 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208164308.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ddc8=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:27 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208170829.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:29 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208172823.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/terrain_dot3_vs20_blend1.vsh 16389 (vertex_program/include/functions.inc(184): error X4000: variable 'light' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 17:29 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208172923.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ca9d=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:33 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208173038.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c6d0=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:34 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208173336.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d422=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:40 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208173956.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d539=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:41 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208174114.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245ce25=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:42 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208174206.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245d422=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:43 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208174320.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr


-- 2003-12-08 17:45 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208174419.txt unknown(0x024035CB) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/terrain_dot3_vs20_blend3.vsh 16389 (vertex_program/include/functions.inc(184): error X4000: variable 'light' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2003-12-08 18:46 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208184435.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 100262c5=addr


-- 2003-12-08 20:25 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-62466.66705-20031208184628.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0245c78f=addr



Notice some of the times. I would go through this every single day. SOE blamed everything on my PC and finally blamed my ISP again. Now, I was using a different ISP as I moved, but I knew full well it was down to their awful programming.


Yes, not everyone has up to date PCs but when reading some of the excuses they sent me, if I was a total computer nOOb, I would have been spending pointless hours reformatting, opening up the pc case etc. The funniest one I heard was because of the graphics card heating up - rubbish.


I have an ATi Radeon 9800 128 pro at home and i was lucky enough to play Galaxies on the top of the line Alienware PC here at work and there were still issues.


Now you know my pain





Easy fix for this one........ Run A Full Scan......reinstall if corrupt files found. Then move your Launchpad.exe file from your Sony Folder to your "Star Wars Galaxies Folder" then point the Shortcut on your Desktop to your new Launchpad.exe in your SWG folder. DONE......fixed...have fun !

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Easy fix for this one........ Run A Full Scan......reinstall if corrupt files found. Then move your Launchpad.exe file from your Sony Folder to your "Star Wars Galaxies Folder" then point the Shortcut on your Desktop to your new Launchpad.exe in your SWG folder. DONE......fixed...have fun !


No offence Neversober, but what, the F***?...







I certainly dont think, just with common sense, that all the problems that DarthMaulUK has been having can be solved by this one solution that you have said, can it Darth? Or anyone?

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

No offence Neversober, but what, the F***?...







I certainly dont think, just with common sense, that all the problems that DarthMaulUK has been having can be solved by this one solution that you have said, can it Darth? Or anyone?



I am actually not joking............I had the same problem with my SwgClient_r.exe crashing and this fixed it.

Though looking at his problem closer it looks like the Pixel Shading is also to blame.....those options are accessed from the launchpad under options. From there you can change your Vertex Pixel Shader Type.

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