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Art of Grim Fandango


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Lucasarts really needs to do an "Art of" book, similar to what Pixar has done with their movies. I would love to see prints of Grim Fandango concept art and quality anti-aliased final renders. I'm sure there are people who would pay more for the book than the game itself costs right now - I know I would!


I doubt we'd ever see this though. A far more viable alternative would be a "Best of Lucasarts" art book. Who wouldn't love to see original concept art from the first Monkey Island games, Full Throttle, Sam & Max ... with a healthy dose Grim Fandango's aztec and art deco-inspired visuals. Everything except Star Wars, of course.


They did put out a "best of" soundtrack, so there's always hope ... maybe after Freelance Police comes out.

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