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Im making a fan game of Mi5!!


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yeah. i am. it's called the Return to Monkey Island and is gonna be a relief fow guys and chick who are waiting for the REAL mi5.

For further information about it check out my website. also, you can add me to MSN, if ya have it ;) so...yeah, that was all i was gonna say, i'll also put on some pics later.




Gm of SkullWarez ent.

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Oh sorry i forgot, :ohttp://www.MKommunity.proboards23.com its not a site, but it's a forum. and the real site will be up soon, (blasted adventuredevelopers dot com) but you can contribute things that might help the game like Midis (no mp3's) art, blablabla the usual stuff. ill post the link to the site when its done ;) .




Gm of SkullWarez ent

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

i am (have been) making a monkey island game too. small world. and i also was gonna use return to monkey island. crap. i don't want to give away any info of my game. at all. its just that i recently found out about the two monkey island fan games that were canceled. LEC sounds like they mean business. Should we continue? I was personally thinking of emailing them and seeing what i could do, but i want to know what you guys think first. :confused:

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