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Lechuck nightmares!

LeChucks Pizza

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I first got monkey island at the age of 7, i played the 2nd one first, it was that double pack, and i was terrifyed of LeChuck! That part at the end with the tunnels and that music comes on and appears!!!AHHH! I had nightmares for months. Anyone else think that LeChuck was the best and scariest in mi2? i definitly think if theres an mi5 he should be modelled on that 1 he just isn't scary in cmi or emi:eek:

Anyone else also freaked out by the fact that those tunnels are based on ones in Disneyland! I would hate to work in those things seems kinda sinister for the happiest place on earth kinda thing:evanpiel:

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Heh, what Skinkie said. It wasn't scary, but it certainly kept you on your toes.


And yes, LeChuck is toned down a lot in CMI/EMI with regards to the whole evil thing - particularly in EMI. Although I do like how he's portrayed in CMI - still quite evil, but with a more amusing side.

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yeah that was pretty cool! I liked the whole going round big whoop thing it would have been cool to see more of it make it more of a place to go and do stuff in. I'm proboly just a bit thick but what was with the end of m12 and the start of cmi could anyone explain what the whole link is with the lechuck being guybrushes brother thing it disappeared in cmi so was it just a dream or......:confused:

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Originally posted by LeChucks Pizza

I'm proboly just a bit thick but what was with the end of m12 and the start of cmi could anyone explain what the whole link is with the lechuck being guybrushes brother thing it disappeared in cmi so was it just a dream or......:confused:



Ever seen Star Wars? It's just a joke to poke at that, that's all. Emotional distress and whatnot.


Unless you go along with the whole it all secretly takes place in Disneyland theory in which LeChuck was just Guybrush's brother sent to find him after he got lost, and the whole first two games were just his imagination.


Somebody give him a link to that huge theory article. Then he can decide for himself.

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OMG thats so wierd that other people feel the same way about the Disneyland thing. That has been, really, one of my biggest nightmares ever--be on a ride like Pirates or the Haunted Mansion and have it get stuck and have to walk out through those automated figures--GAHH. It actually happened to me a couple years ago, at Island's Of Adventure, on the Superman 3D ride. I was with my boyfriend and his 13 year old half sister, and I cried like a baby. LOL Sorry...didn't realize how far I went with this.


Oh yeah: OFF TOPIC (sorta)

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that soundec SCARY! AHHH! Yeah mi does have that sinister side to it. it makes it great but the disney thing is terrifying now everytime i go there i get freaked out ( and thats only the one in Paris) Can u imagine working down there in the tunnels i would be so terrifyed that LeChuck would appear! Lol :p

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