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I need a killer virus

Dagobahn Eagle

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I'm writing this story where Northern Europe is overran by a killer virus, and I'm in need of some evil forum members to come up with a likely lethal virus.


What I'm leaning towards is a mutated HIV virus called ABHIV (AB is short for Airborne) which can move and be transmuted by air as well as through certain body fluids. What this means is that if one person has airborne HIV and there's a 50% chance that he will pass it on to whoever he meets, 25 people will be infected if he meets 50 people. Then each one of those will pass it on to an additional 25, and so on and so fourth. Catching "ABHIV" carried by air when inhaling it is as likely as being infected by HIV it enters your bloodstream.


I picked HIV/AIDS because it is truly feared as well as incurable. Influenze is another threat that scientists believe could evolve into a real nightmare, but I ended up with HIV. I don't know anything about how likely it (HIV) is to mutate naturally in this way, though..


Any other suggestions, as well as info on HIV virus?


Notice: This thread will not debate a current event or issue, but is nevertheless scientific. If someone (namely SkinWalker;)) should want to move it to the Swamp, just tell me.

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How about a virus that was engineered by a small Scandinavian country that just happened to have thriving biotech industry trying to develop vaccines for small pox -the feared WMD of small budget dictatorships.


In making a vaccine, they engineered the perfect small pox strain, since if they could defeat the best, they could counter any strain.


But a corporate executive, who fears the failure of his company and it's recent stock plumets, cuts a deal with a neo-conservative terrorist group led by Tom Delay (who is trying to retaliate for the ricin sent to his office)...


Okay... I'm just trying to get under rcarr328's skin on the last sentance.... :D


But it sounds like a fun plot!

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How about a disease that is caused from bovines that eat the recycled dead and get rouge proteins? :p


Anyway, how about a virus that lives inside flies? The virus itself happend as a mutated parasite inside a maggot in a dump. The maggot matured and multiplied, and so did the parasite. Soon, the entire dump became infested with the infected flies, with the flies moving from one dump to another. Eventually, they reach the nearby neighborhood, infesting in trash cans of the people living there. The flies would then fly in and bite the tenants, infecting them with the parasite.


The parasite would have the same symptons as malaria or, if you want to be really evil, the black death.The parasite also mutates in the human, so the only way to get a vaccine is to extract it from another infected human, with the parasite killing the human before it could be cured.


Evil enough for ya? :p

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I think that you should turn "mans best friend" against him! Make a disease that is carried by dogs but have no physical side affects (for the dog). But it can be transferred to the owner, and has a mental affect that makes the person violent and dangerous till he dies. Everything would be chaos and you wouldnt be able to trust anyone.

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Erm, well, I once read a Tom Clancy novel called "Bio-Strike..."


Oh, since you said natural reasons, how about a normal virus, that became resistant to every drug man has used? For example, maybe the common cold bacteria/virus ( i don't know which one causes the cold right now ) becomes drug resistant, killing all who develop it? :p hehehe ideas, ideas.

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Bah, child's play! How about this?




Several rich & powerful corporations get together and form a plot to sell deadly devices to the world's populance.


The masses will be lead to believe that they need these devices and that they should structure their lives around them.


People will go along with it thinking the machines will give them mobility, social status, convenience and pleasure.


But in reality the devices will lead to massive deaths and disablements. Despite warnings of the dangers of misuse of the devices and government regulation, the body counts will continue every year. Law enforcement will be tied up dealing with people breaking the regulations and laws designed to protect users of the devices.


Still, the devices even when used properly will cause problems. In order to be used, massive environmental destruction will have to take place and be maintained on a regular basis.


Plus, they will rely on resources that are scarce, leading to wars and terrorism. Finally the devices will cause massive pollution, thus leading to more disease and misery around the world.


Despite the negative impact on the population of the world, people will continue to purchase and use the devices as if everything is fine.


Doh! It's already happened!



This is beginning to sound like a session with Dr. Evil. C'mon, throw me a bone here, people, I've been frozen for thirty frikin' years!

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Originally posted by Tyrion

how about a virus that lives inside flies? The virus itself happend as a mutated parasite inside a maggot in a dump. The maggot matured and multiplied, and so did the parasite. Soon, the entire dump became infested with the infected flies, with the flies moving from one dump to another. Eventually, they reach the nearby neighborhood, infesting in trash cans of the people living there. The flies would then fly in and bite the tenants, infecting them with the parasite.


The parasite would have the same symptons as malaria or, if you want to be really evil, the black death.The parasite also mutates in the human, so the only way to get a vaccine is to extract it from another infected human, with the parasite killing the human before it could be cured.


Evil enough for ya? :p


I'm sure I saw one like that on the X Files. they were in antarrctica and the parasites that infected them made them mental. it could only be cured by puting another parrasite in them. if it was removed it releised poison to kill the host.

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