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Thx Revan, Star Wars forums have interesting topics to me:)

Yeah...Starcraft is awsome....but except 'Ghost' or so...which will be an Egoshooter I think there are no more sequels planned...

unfortunately.... I think.

Well yes...the movie scenes between the new levels also rock:)

Very good gfx! One of my golden memories:cool:

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Originally posted by the_lord_Revan

Yeah, well I gotta say that I've got one word of advice. Stay Clear of Lynk Former. He's really annoying, considering that he closed the bar fight thread, AND didnt let us open another, cuz the orig was at max!

He's a friggin Kill-joy, the uptight bastard

and I agree about ghost!


wow, now that's pretty mean. if i was what you say I am I would've done worse to you and I would've closed the bar fight thread a looooooong time ago and I would've closed the stupid question/answer thread when it started. But I haven't. Just because I closed the bar fight thread and then closed other bar fight threads after I told people NOT to try to ressurect it doesn't make me a bad guy. I'm doing my job. While you are seen as a troll, the real bad guy.


Listen, the mods are really pissed off with you. If you pipe down with the attitude and just be a NORMAL nice member I could persuade them not to have you castrated. But all this bitching and opening threads you're not supposed to open and seeming like you want to be banned cause all you're here for is to cause trouble IS NOT HELPING. This is the only time I'll give you this opportunity to straighten up otherwise I'll let them do whatever they want to you.

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Originally posted by the_lord_Revan

Yeah, well I gotta say that I've got one word of advice. Stay Clear of Lynk Former. He's really annoying, considering that he closed the bar fight thread, AND didnt let us open another, cuz the orig was at max!

He's a friggin Kill-joy, the uptight bastard

and I agree about ghost!


No, it is you that is really annoying.


I can't even believe Lynk is actually giving you another chance after everything you have posted about him, but hey, I guess that's just the kind of nice guy he is.


And calling him and uptight bastard is not only a flame, but extremely laughable coming from you.

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okay okay! gosh, its a lot harder to raise my sarcasm when I'm not saying it out loud, oh and I've just had a particularly bad time latly, so sorry if ive been a little short K? a bullet ripping your leg apart has that effect on you! ((yes that really happened, I live in a ghetto))

oh and Im sorry for all you mods, K guys? Above reason has made me a bit unlike my self latly. plus the barfight closin sorta added fuel to the fire with my bullet wound, so I'm sorry if ive been a little pissy!!!


uhhh... can we countinue this thread swbking? it sorta died after that last post!

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  • 2 months later...

Um... not to interfere with you two duelist, but I have to agree with the_lord_Revan. Lynk Former is a weird and really sucky guy. He hardly ever gives a staight answer and closes everything relating to anything fun.

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