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physics engine ?


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The only thing that concerns me regarding physics engines is that they get the implementation right. After playing Deus Ex: Invisible War, that game is a shining example of completely OTT and unrealistic physics implementation. They should only include physics if they are prepared to spend the time to balance it correctly, and you don't get bodies/objects flying around as soon as you touch them...


As for ragdoll effects, in Unreal Tournament they're a bit overdone. Something that's more toned down would be more acceptable to me.

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everygame has physics, but not every game has detailed physics engine with ragdoll. From watching the videos you can tell there is no ragdoll physics on static object or skeletal ragdoll active on player death. It does look like they blew things up inside a 3dpackage with its physics system and made clips out of it that way. Most games do it this way, and they're no different.

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they could have made a new physics engine that catered to the world of star wars. cus anything goes in the star wars universe, from a certian point of view. when lasers hit someone, it is much different than when a bullet hits someone. because a laser is a consentrated blast of energy that spreads out when it hits something and a bullet just pierces though what ever it hits. just a thought that they could have taken in mind.:)

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