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Seti@Home no. whatever

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Im gonna see where else I can get it installed, im also gonna start folding at home and aids at home, cause well they have a bit more meaning I think :), though it really runs my battery on my laptop out, went through a normal 2 hour battery in 1 hour earlier today, luckily i had my plug with me.


I can get atleast 3 computers working on this almost all the time, though it kinda distablises my families machine. Hmm if only I could install it across the uni's network :D

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Yeah, I still have a couple of machines working for me. 2 of them are Macs, and the others are very old PCs. The Macs from work do the majority of the work, since they are a little faster and are left on 24/ 7.


The PCs are both over 3 years old now, a P2 and a P3,.. but are off more than they are on.


It wouldn't surprise me if you overtook me by the end of the month. I'm surprised that nobody has yet.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

I conduct my own search for ET's with an 9" reflector and a plastic bullhorn I got at a college basketball game. So far no answers, but that might be because half the stuff I "transmit" isn't exactly peaceful.

You should try the Aqua Teens Hunger Force method. ;)


*goes off to play the first two bars of La Cucaracha on open hailing frequencies*

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Originally posted by edlib

Go for it Zarg! I'm curious to see how fast you could catch up with the rest of us.


And, at the very least, it might give us all something to talk about again...


something we obviously need!


mid summer I hope to get a athlon 2500+ with a gig of ram to replace my old p3 600...........unless something better is only 200ish for me to upgrade too :D


and if my car doesn't steal the money first!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Egads... Nitro's hot on my tail,.. and I can't shake him! ;)


But: I'm getting enough money back on my tax return to get a new computer this year (this one is quickly approaching 4.) Then I'll be able to offer some real resistance. :D


Now I just have to decide: Make it myself, or buy pre-built (like an Alienware.) I'm leaning towards DYI...


I want 64-bit AMD, with ATI video and M-Audio sound, DVD burning, and a big ol' RAID 0 hard drive configuration.


Time to start pricing...



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i really think of getting started. not that i would have the slightest chance of of winning your "race" but i feel like i have to do this for all mankind..





nitro.. hehe "listen.. you smell something?"


that just gave me some cooool kind of flashback.. ok, that and mary. :D


also, you've just reminded me of another game i had for my atari 800xe. ghostbusters!!

hmm.. my emulator is working.. i think this game would fit good into my collection-o-rays-memorabilia.

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Bastard. ;)


Don't worry... it will be a few weeks before the refund checks get here... and I'm not really planning on doing anything about a new PC 'till mid-summer at the earliest. There's some new technologies I'm waiting on so I don't feel that I have to upgrade immediately after buliding the damn thing... like last time. :rolleyes:


You'll be the king for a while. :D

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really, "edlib, there's no chance for you", nice.


the fastest i got was 4.06, average is 5.00-6.00 at normal priority and with me doing the things i do on my computer. 7 hours at low.


running it at normal and above also needs much extra power, my notebook batteries only last for one hour instead of four.

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