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Romantic L00z3r {spoilers}


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I have only played the game twice, but in that twice there was but two things I could not find (that I know are there, at least)


The most annoying for me is that I can not get any romance happening.


Now from the way the script plays out, it seems there is a chance at romance with bastilla, carth, Juahni and Canderous.. but I can't seem to 'trigger' these things.


I had one chance at a dialogue where I told Carth "if you want me to forgive you, you have to kiss me" (words to that affect) but he just sort of acted embarrassed and said nothing happened after that.


I also had one option with Juahni that said "are you flirting with me?" (words to that effect) and she actually told me off and called me conceited etc.. and then nothing.


I have not come even CLOSE to anything with Canderous or Bastilla, altho from the early and middle conversations you have it is obvious teh option is there if you play it right.


So could anyone PLEASE help me out here?? I am a really sappy romantic and it it quite annoying to me that I cant see how those stories unfold.


Also, if it is at all possible, could someone help me withought actually telling me what happens?? I know that is possibly a big ask, but I would just like to see these four elusive stories conclusions withought knowing what comming.


If thats not possible I dont mind, I would just prefer it be avoided if it can.

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Originally posted by Prime

Hmm. I had no problem having a romance with Bastilla. I'll I did was be nice to here, and tease her every once in a while :)

My first time through, I essentially played my Scoundrel/Consular like a Paladin - major-league honorable. As a result my relationship with Bastilla was very slow-moving, which you can't really afford, if you get my meaning ...


The next time I played a bit more aggressive, just straight 'lawful good' light side, but always up for a bit of fun and killin' ... and I took my relationship with Bastilla all the way possible!


Last time I was dark side female, and I didn't give a sh*t about anyone else except as far as they could serve my needs - so I tweaked Carth a bit, but Juhani I killed for fun after saving her, and Canderous was a loyal dog so long as I kept the blood flowing. ;)


As for as I know, males can only romance Bastilla, but females can romance Juhani or Carth.



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so I have to play a male character in order to see the romance with Bastilla?? Well that just sux0rz!! I am a GUY.. Guys simply don't 'play with men'.. thats just not right.. :p


Joking aside, Thats a bit.. well.. wrong isnt it? A tad pollitically incorrect to force that? hmm.. Maybe I am being too liberal but I do not see anything in there that should stop a female PC hooking up with Bastilla so they actually block that scripting code for no reason??


It is blatantly obvious that Carth would not 'go for' a male PC (storyline points rule it out), but there is nothing present in the game that would support Bastilla not 'going for' a famale lead.


in fact, if I look at that a little closer.. Juahni Romance is only accessible via playing a female is not correct either. She isnt even the same race, so she should not be swayed by the PCs gender either.


The same could also be said for Canderous. There is nothing present in the game to suggest he 'prefers' either gender.. but he has no romance sub-plot at all??


But he told me all those nice things!! You mean he was.. just.. teasing me.. leading me on?? I FEEL USED!!! ;)




Anyway.. mildly frustrated yet valid mini-rant over..


Lets get back to pointers on how to turn it on with the support cast.. :)

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Hey - just jump into a political Gundark's nest!! :D


I will make the assumption that sexual preference is genetically based (i.e. homosexuality is a genetic effect - or defect as some have said - not a 'choice).


I will also assume that fewer than 10% of people possess the genetic programming to be homosexual.


Personally I have difficulty understanding bi-sexuality from a genetic/scientific standpoint, so I'll leave that out.


That said, it is wrong to assume that Bastilla should accept advances from a woman. In fact, that Juhani will is more reflective of reality, prehaps.



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  • 5 weeks later...

ok.. I am mega frustrated now!!!!

(don't start ok.. some of them just need to be left alone ok? haha)


I am now on my FORTH game and I STILL cant get any from Carth or Juahni.. >.<


This is as far as I can get..



Carth tells me he loves me at the ebon hawk just before we set off for the star forge..


Juahni tells me she.. well.. that she is 'mine' around the same point in the game.



But.. I mean.. thats not it, is it? Is that all there is to the romances? Cos that hella lame if it is.


I want smoochie boochies!

I want Cutscenes!

I want fireworks and a chorus of angels!

I want a little introduction read by Danielle Steele!

I want leather and silk and.. er.. oh.. no.. not that.. honestly..


But all joking aside.. am I STILL 'not getting it' or it that al there is to the 'romances'??


Cos I would kinda feel used if it was only that, and nothing more.

(sorry for the butchered Poe Reference)


Edit: um.. I just want to know if there is more and if there is some hints as to how to get that more. I want to be 'surprized' when I eventually unlock said more, if indeed it exists.


Try to keep it spoiler free for me ok :)

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