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The Great Hyperspace War


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This takes place 1000 years before Knights of the Old Republic. You can be Sith, Jedi, Sith Soldiers, or Rebel Soldiers.


Name: James Stacker

Age: 23

Race: Human

Allignment: Sith Army

Position: Sith Trooper

Rank: First Merit Lt.

Bio: James grew up on Dantoonie and at 15 he enroled in the Sith Military Acadamy on Korriban. When he was 21 he learned that he was Force Sensitive. He ha kept this to his self for he is afraid the Sith will make him a Dark Lord. James ha been waiting for the right moment to leave, and hopefully that moment will come...



James sat down waiting for something to happen. It had been pretty boring at the Acadamy so far and he was hoping somethng would happen.

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Name Ret Yoper

Age 23

Race Human Alaignment Republic

Position just a troop

rank private (Althou he is very skilled)

Bio Ret knew James when they were kids they were best friends

Ret joined the rebublic about the same time James did but never heard from james since they were 10 Ret found out he was force sensitive at the age of 20 but never joined the jedi because he did not want to live by those rules!



Ret finds himself infeltrateing the sith compound on Korraban!

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Name: Justin Truesect

Age: 32

Race: Human

Allignment: Mercinary

Posistion: Hired by the Sith

Bio: A cold hearted warrior with a consience long lost and a purpose long forgotton. He was recently recruited by the Sith.




Justin stood in a dimly lit room with a large number of other mercinaries. The odd bounty hunter could also be spotted amongst the crowd. Shortly after they had all gathered a door opened and a shadowy robed figure entered.





((OOC: Well Reclaimer it's your story so whatever you've got in mind you can add us mercinaries in too. I left that open for you.))

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Name: Dave Snake

Age: 24

Race: Human

Allignment: Merc

Position: Hired by the sith

Rank: none

Bio: Dave grew up on Dantoonie, and was a friend of James and Ret's. He became a merc and was responsible for destroying one of the sith's most powerful weapons. He learned that he was Force Sensitive in that mission. The sith found out and have since tried to hire him in order to try to turn him. He has been recently hired.


Dave grew bored and went to explore the Academy. He found a room that was title LT. STACKER in bold letters. He recognized the name, and even though he thought it could be a coincidence, found James speaking with a republic soldier.

"Well, well, well. Long time no see."

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Name:Rustic Royal

Age: 18


Allignment: None

Bio: grew up on taris,became a hover bike racer, found to be a force sensitive person by a visiting jedi, got trained in the arts of the jedi, left and wandered around ever since.

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