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Wheres this??


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i was reading an xbox magazine yesterday and i came a cross a picture which was in the column saying stuff about kotor downloadable content. I own both the pc version and the xbox version and havent comne across this place before. I think this is Yavin on the xbox version because you can see Suvam in the picture, but as you can plainly see it is a place (planeet) not a space station, will the pc version get this too?



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ye i think its just a place in the early build or something, as there are other areas shown in screenshots with characters taht should not be there. Looks like a very cool planet though, shame it got taken out, you never know though. The map might still be in the files somewhere.

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nah its not, my friend got the xbox live content, basically what weve had all along, yavin station with special items (arnt we the lucky ones). If you look at the screeshot though, its a pretty big city area, with only 2 npcs in it (apart from your 3 characters) i dont they would bother making such a cool looking city without putting more than a little bit more characters and activity in it. Anyway, im far from a star wars expert really, i just like the films, so my question is what planet could it be???

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Originally posted by lowiej

mabye they are making an upgrade where you go to the planet yavin? (if its a planet)


I don't think so, if you talk to Suvam he says Yavin IV's been a dust ball since Exar Kun's defeat where he takes junk and create his awesome items.

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in fact ive found quite a few differant looking screenshots, which proves this is just a beta version:


another of this world:



dantooine but with tall grass and hk47 present and wearable republic uniform:



random republic guy on dantooine (taken out side quest??):



Early Uthar and Uthura:



AND THIS IS THE COOLEST, its doesnt look like drain life, looks more to me like a flame thrower force power, dam shame they took it out really:


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