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general grievious (merged threads)


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Grievous is probably the greatest cyborg warrior in the galaxy. I dont know if hes Force sensitive but hes certainly as fast as most Jedi and hes more flexible. Being able to wield 4 sabers with that kind of speed is a force to be reckoned with. A Jedi Master could take him probably. Yoda or Mace would hand his cybernetic ass to him. Kiadi Mundi was holding up well against Grievous in Chapter 20. Now if Grievous has the Force then only a true Jedi Master could handle him. Killed by a blaster? Pff, thats a pretty lame death for him. I dont believe rumors.

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I agree that Grievous is one tough cookie, but then again, I think Anakin could take him, even he if is a Jedi no more. If he were a normal cyborg, Grievous definitely would have lost. But he's not. It's like he's some sort of ninja when he wields those lightsabers of his.

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The Star Wars community Message Boards are debating about just who is General Grievous since it is supposedly part living thing. Some say it has Jango's brain, or it is some other fallen Jedi/villan who was badly badly injured/maimed. I think a possibility may be Darth Maul, though I hope it is Jango. Any speculation?

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Yes, but the strategy matches Jango's.

Aside that has anyone noticed that the cover of the new Boba Fett book "A New Threat" has both Grievous and Boba (WHO FITS IN JANGO'S ARMOR!!!) It is safe to say that Grievous is destroyed before the end of EP 3, so will Boba actually wear his father's armor in Ep 3? The book states that he is a seasoned bounty hunter wearing the armor. (He also blasts a lot of things. -cough- -cough- NOGHRI -cough- ) So could Boba kill jedi in Ep 3?

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He may be a certain Zabrak that is half the man he used to be...

Darth Maul seems a likely candidate. Palpatine goes to Naboo, sneaks into the reactor shaft when nobody is looking in EP1, gets what is left of maul, and preserves his brain.

The eyes between those two are eerily similar...

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grievous was an alien that started to incorperate mechanical components until most of him was machine. he did it by choice so i dont think it is maul at all. he might be like yoda, a species we will never know about. his eyes are definately different from a trandoshans, they look more skin covered in areas whereas a trandoshans are covered in that alligator like scales.

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Is it ok if I am not really excited about this Grevious character??? I mean, he's a cyborg. I know the Dark Jedi thing has been beaten to death, but in a pre-quel trilogy where personality and character development are tougher to find than someone who was alive the last time the Boston Red Sox won a World Series, what can we expect from a Cyborg villian????? :dozey:

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