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Where can I get 1 and 2


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Depends where you are in the world, as I doubt any physical retail shop will have them.


If you live in the US, I think you can get the Monkey island Madness CD from the Lucasarts online company store (although I think this comes with MI3 which may be annoying for you considering you already had it, but hey, I duplicated MI1 and 3 just to get my hands on MI2).


If not, then your best bet is eBay.


Hope this helped.

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Nobody likes being ripped off.If the lucasarts games were released as a scumvm pack they would sell a million.Its piracy to deny somebody the money they are due for producing the greatest games going, but its also pretty inadequate to suggest ebay as a source for these masterpieces.

Type "abandonware" into google until lucasarts is REBORN!!(and takes on the......WORLD)!!!

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Monkey Island is still being sold, it is not abandonware, free distribution of said product is illegal (closing (and for the record, e-bay's fine considering the product has already been payed for, dumbass)


Well, that was probably uncalled for, I shouldn't have called you a dumbass.

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