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is there anybody else besides me that just cannot wait until it's summer? there's only something like 30 days of school left or something. i can't wait! hopefully then there'll be a little more activity around here...


well, is there anything anybody's anticipating or looking forward to this summer?

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I try not to look forawrd. Makes things seem longer. I feel like I still have an eternity left for this year....which pains my head knowing I have three more eternities to absorb. Summer is my least favorite season. It's hellcsh.


Anyway, it's written in the unwritten book of life (though if its an unwritten book, than it wasn't really written in it) that anticipation is bad for you. Even though I seem to have more dreams when I'm excited, so that's cool.

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The 27th of May. I plan on residing in a beautiful dreamworld where I will have positive spiritual experiences until I get a job. And I'll take a bunch of road trips with Travis, so that'll be fun. We're planning on entering that hell portal in Kansas. Or Lincoln IL. Or maybe we might see Primus in Chicago, that'll be sweet. But we'll probably get lost.


My plan: Just drive on instinct. Keep going and don't stop unless you want to take a certain turn or exit. Drive completely in stream of conciousness and enter new realities in which you were not aware.

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