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Negative Reel Of Original Star Wars Film


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I may have something of value, or it may not be; I figured what better place to get feed back then here. I have in my possession what appears to be a 1977 reel of Star Wars film, still in its negative form, completely sealed. This reel has been in my possession for some 27 and has never been opened in any way shape or form, so the contents could very well be unverified, however I believe that it is indeed a reel of film.

Here is the information on the outside of the canister;



NEGATIVE: 180631




DATE: 6-10-77



If you have any information/suggestions pertaining to this item feel free to email me or send me a pm.


Thank you


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I have looked online and maybe the force is not strong with this one, but am unable to find anyway to go about contacting any of the above. If i was able to open it, I am almost %100 that the contents are exactly as stated, so that is really not an issue. Any more help would be greatly apreiciated.




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Be sure to put SCOUTING in the subject line and include both your FULL NAME and HOMETOWN or else your question will not be published. Also, there's no way to tell when it'll be answered seing there are tons of letters being sent that man's way. Of course, your cas is an unusual one so I wouldn't be surprised if it was answered.


Do you subscribe to the Insider? That's the only way you'd get to see the answer I would think. If you don't, I subscribe and could post here or email you if it is answered ;)

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Its been in my family my entire life. I am 28 now born in 76. Youngest person to see Star Wars when it was released I am told. As for the "package;" well like i said the force is strong in my family......my father had it.........my mother had it.....and now I have it.......LOL


Don't mistake me for someone who has just stumbled into star wars, I have many other vintage star wars/trek toys, models, all unopened from 86 and before. This is just one of my pieces that i really am curious to know more about. I guess its no biggie seeing how i have a few other items like original screenshots of the scenes that were originally edited from Star Wars, things like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by GhettoFabulous

I have been unable to find out anything from anybody. One gentleman did contact me and asked me if I was interested in returning the item to LucarArts, and thats it.


Hes a a scammer, don't do it. Its a great item to have anyways

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Return it to LucasArts????


You do realize thats the Video Gaming company of Lucas. The only company that would most likely want it would be LucasFilm.

So yea its really a scam, make sure you can get proof first before sending anything out to anywhere.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by GhettoFabulous

Just wondering if anyone ever heard anything regarding the reel? anybody want to buy it? lol, god i have so much s-wars and s-trek stuff still unopened my walk in closet has run out of room and i dont even put clothes in there!!!


I moved all my empty SW boxes from my walk in closet to the attic before I switched rooms with my sister. Ha, I never had clothes in there :p

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