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The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age!


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Originally posted by pbguy1211

Please, like Knights was some big gaming breakthrough or something?


No. It just feels like the LotR franchise HAD to make an RPG. Feels like they're trying to fight the Star Wars franchise and KotOR with their own RPG.

It's only a personnal opinion nothing else.

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lol you can tell it's a star wars forum when they blame a LOTR franchise for ripping off a Star Wars RPG. :D

Lets go back to the dawn of time for a moment shall we, The first great RPG game was Dungeons and Dragons...millions and millions of people have played D&D in some form or another and has spawned so many different RPGs that I couldn't begin to count them...whether it is its own paper and pen RPG or a video game like Neverwinter Nights which uses its rules; D&D is the end all and be all of RPGs. D&D was, of course, inspired by the world of middle earth. So I'd say it's more suprising that they hadn't come out with a big RPG based on the movie when the FIRST movie came out. It just seemed like a "duh" for LOTR. So this move is no suprise nor does it rip off KOTOR...if anything from their description it seems more like a FFX style.

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