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When you grow older what is it that makes you think kid's are so bad these days. I find myself doing it, all the kids seem out of control, even the 10-12 year olds seem to be going around smoking shouting at people and generally pissing everyone off.


Who has changed?

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You can keep the kids out of your yard by installing an underground sprinkler system. As you stare balefully from between drawn shades, you can see the little whippersnappers coming and turn on the system just in time to give them a proper merry soaking.


If the kids in your neighborhood are crack-runners, try installing land mines instead.

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

You can keep the kids out of your yard by installing an underground sprinkler system. As you stare balefully from between drawn shades, you can see the little whippersnappers coming and turn on the system just in time to give them a proper merry soaking.


If the kids in your neighborhood are crack-runners, try installing land mines instead.

No, no, no, Zoomie.


Landmines require too much additional work. You should get the sprinklers, but rig them to be "multiple payload." Under your house (in your basement, if you have one), you can set up feeder tanks of, say, acid, nerve gas, boiling water (there's a great surprise on a hot day), and any designer toxin/attack nanotechnology that can be made transmissible by water.


Plus, no having to rebuild the lawn after each "trap."

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I've been thinking about a lot this same kind of stuff lately. I've survived my first year of college, with my main focus on the academics. Next semester I want to expand my social life. However, I too am troubled by the mainstream college definition of "fun". It isn't something that suits me personally and I feel as though it severely limits my options. While this doesn't worry me as much as other things, it's still a concern.


On the relationship front, it seems that every girl I would like to be with is out of my reach for various circumstances.


I know to change all of this all I have to do is act instead of thinking about it all the time, and it seems kind of Hamlet-like in a way. The larger question is do I want to change, and if so, by how much and in what way? That is something much more complex that I have not gotten to as of yet. I'm relatively happy in my life. I have some good friends that love me and I them, I'm doing well in school. Yet for some reason there is still a nagging concern about whether I should be happy or am missing out.


It's something that I'm struggling with, but it isn't crippling in any sense. But I guess that's life.

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Originally posted by Thrawn

It's something that I'm struggling with, but it isn't crippling in any sense. But I guess that's life.


I know exactly what you mean. I enjoy the life I live but I think im still searching for a better one. Hopefully this summer will show me more about who I am.


I think maturing is partly about self discovery and partly about becoming who you want to be.


I've spent a long time in my life trying to refine who I am, sometimes its gone down the wrong path, but now I believe im more or less on the right path mainly cause of some good friends.

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