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Jump to Lightspeed


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Well, we've been without a new game in years. It looks like Lucasarts has blown off the flightsim genre in favour of arcade shooters like Rogue Squadron and Jedi Starfighter, leaving us out to dry.


Now, along comes the 'Jump to Hyperspace' add-on for SW Galaxies. It's supposed to play very much like our beloved franchise, but in order for us X-Wing fans to play it, we have to buy Galaxies, buy this add-on, and pay monthly for an account.


Me and my friends (especially my friends that beta tested for Galaxies and were not impressed) are skeptical. But what do you guys think?


We might give it a try, but it's an awfully expensive package for a game that might not even live up to our expectations.

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I have so far managed to stay away from any game that charges monthly... this one will be no exception, no matter how good. (Although I tend to agree with Keyan on this one.)


I just don't have the time or the money to blow on any game like that.

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I'm skeptical too, but I'll play devil's advocate for the moment to point out that 'Jump to Lightspeed' is supposed to be heavily based off of the X-Wing series. It's supposed to play pretty much the same.


I can't really see paying a monthly fee for it, though, when me and my friends have been playing X-Wing Alliance skirmishes at LAN parties for nothing more than the initial cost of the game.

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My friends that I know are playing SWG are enjoying it, for the most part, and can't wait for JtL (and it should be noted that they are mostly avid X-Wing etc. players like yourselves). As for myself, I am waiting until I'm working b4 I join the fray.

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt

Yeah paying a monthly fee for games is completely ridicolous


People who say this are idiots.


They always say "dur, I payed fer the game so whys should i haves to pay to play??" Well, you bought your network card and router and such and you still have to pay to go online every month. Why is that any different? You bought your car and you have to pay to use that too. EVERYTHING is cost upfront+usage fee.

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I can just forsee myself becoming a virtual zombie-slave to any game that I had to pay a monthly fee for: I would feel obligated to play it as much as possible to get my "monthly money's worth" out of it.

Same reason that if I ever get an XBox that I will try to resist the temptation to go "Live" with it.

As it is I already spend wayyy too much time online to try to feel like I'm getting as much out of my cable connection as possible. Same thing with the cable TV that I'm paying for...

Thanks, but I'm already as sedentary as I care to ever be. (And that's already far, far more than is healthy...)


Funny,.. I don't feel the same way about my cell phone... It doesn't bother me in the least if I go a month without using it. I also don't try to "Max" out my car's mileage either.



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  • 2 weeks later...

For me it's not just a money issue, but a time issue. You've seen how little I'm here, lately, and yet I still count this place as one of my favourite forums.


I'd be that guy who only shows up for a couple of hours a month, then vanishes into a little hole somewhere.


Also, I'm still on dialup (there's not really any point to getting anything faster, since I don't have time to game on-line anyway).

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I understand the reasons for "pay for play" but there also needs to be a free alternative in order to draw more people in. Maybe a SP "area" where you only interact and can deal with NPCs. Then when you ready to commit and willing to pay, you go online and pay the fee to do a whole lot more

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