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KotOR for Mac Announced!


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Originally posted by Arteale

Does anyone care? Mac's stink.

If you don't care, don't post. It is information for those here who either are Mac users primarily or secondarily, who might be interested.


There are plenty who hang here at LucasForums.



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Originally posted by txa1265

If you don't care, don't post. It is information for those here who either are Mac users primarily or secondarily, who might be interested.


There are plenty who hang here at LucasForums.




Name ten.

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Originally posted by Arteale

Could you leave your computing prejudices at the door, and either contribute something to this thread of leave it alone?


All you have done is show a small-mindedness that many Mac users are very used to in PC-centric forums, which will keep them away from here.


I, for one, will be recommending Mac users I run across elsewhere *not* come here, as they can get the same help without all the BS at Bioware's forums.



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Originally posted by Arteale

Does anyone care?

A lot of people, actually. Both here and elsewhere. There is obviously enough a demad for them to make it...


Originally posted by Arteale

Mac's stink.

How so? I don't own one, but from my experience they are very capable machines. In any event, the whole windows vs. mac argument is a little out of date...


They are better than a PS2, that's for sure :p

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Originally posted by Prime

They are better than a PS2, that's for sure :p

But if KotOR for PS2 was announced, I would be happy for those console owners rather than saying 'xbox rul3z d00d ... ps2 is teh sux0r and GC is for babi3z'


Oh well ... back to Arx Fatalis for a few minutes before I have to go back to work ;)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Im one. I have a Mac Laptop for university, and to be quite honest, if it ran windows games, theres no way in hell I would ever use windows again.


Little windows fanboys big up windows since they've never had to take apart either operating system at the seems. The mac is a far faster, more stable OS. It NEVER has errors, conflicts, problems, like windows does.


Trust me. if you ever have to do a multimedia degree, you'll understand

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Originally posted by thegoryone

Im one. I have a Mac Laptop for university, and to be quite honest, if it ran windows games, theres no way in hell I would ever use windows again.


Little windows fanboys big up windows since they've never had to take apart either operating system at the seems. The mac is a far faster, more stable OS. It NEVER has errors, conflicts, problems, like windows does.


Trust me. if you ever have to do a multimedia degree, you'll understand


You're still going on about that?

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Having used both P.C and mac for many years

and to be quite honest, if it ran windows games, theres no way in hell I would ever use windows again
is pretty much true for me to windows is probably simpler but the relaiblilty of mac is far superior and with a crash happy (on certain machines anyway) game like KOTOR mac compatibility cant be a bad thing
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