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Why all of the hate? (keep it civil please)


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I wholeheartedly agree with Amidala on this one...


I left the JK series scene late JO (I do own JA, not sure why though...) because:


- I wasn't a great JO player (okay, so I blowed at the game), but I enjoyed playing on decent servers. After awhile I couldn't find any servers that wouldn't kick me for "typekills" or "bowkills".


- Let's face it, I started playing Medal of Honor (less these days, though), Call of Duty, Halo, and UT2k4 almost religiously. Those games are pretty cut and dry - you kill your opponent, you capture the feckin' flag, or you do some other type of gameplay. I don't have to join a Medal of Honor server and worry about them trying to re-enact "Saving Private Ryan" on the Omaha Beach level. Nobody bitches when you snipe them because they were typing...they just play the game and take their lumps for losses during the occasional chit-chat.


So I'm not exactly going to say I think all roleplayers are bad, but I am going to say you're wrong in saying that people have made up the h0n0rz or people taking their roleplay beliefs into servers that don't want it.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

And... those games are not Star Wars.


Really? Duh :rolleyes:


What I'm saying is there are great MMORPG games (FFXI and Everquest), and for Star Wars junkies there is a REAL, DESIGNED TO BE A MMORPG Star Wars game (and the next edition with spaceflight has been announced). Many people play it. The ones who dis it and try to MMORPG in a FPS game (which was designed for a totally different type of game) are trying to hide their cheapness by being snobs ("I heard it was a steaming pile of poo"). The truth came out in the next sentence ("... plus the 15 dollars a month doesn't sound too good either").

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Some people have the ability to create new ideas, think outside the box, imagination. Just because something is classified as "FPS" doesn't mean people can't use it to "buy Bantha Soup in the cantina." Plus, mods help a lot too.


The arguement of "it's a FPS not a MMORPG" has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Hey... wait. Doesn't "FPS" mean "FIRST PERSON SHOOTER?" As in guns? OMG! All servers that are Saber Only are trying to use the game for something it's not classified as! *Gasp!*

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Originally posted by TK-8252

The arguement of "it's a FPS not a MMORPG" has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Hey... wait. Doesn't "FPS" mean "FIRST PERSON SHOOTER?" As in guns? OMG! All servers that are Saber Only are trying to use the game for something it's not classified as! *Gasp!*


That's why all of my servers have guns! Two of them have only Tenloss Disruptor rifles and don't even have lightsabers. Not much role-playing going on there. I practice what I preach.


I think saber-only servers are missing out on a lot because guns add so many more options. But at least they are trying to use the lightsabers they way they were designed to be used (to hack off limbs and heads, not as props for some half-baked pseudo-MMORPG game). And I believe points are still scored by KILLING your opponent, not by enthralling them with your Twilek Dance of the Seven Veils.


Originally posted by TK-8252

Some people have the ability to create new ideas, think outside the box, imagination. Just because something is classified as "FPS" doesn't mean people can't use it to "buy Bantha Soup in the cantina." Plus, mods help a lot too.

And I'm sure people who use sandpaper for toilet paper and relieve their sexual tension in warm apple pie consider themselves to be "creative, out-of-the-box thinkers" too. The only advantage that JA has over Star Wars® Galaxies™: An Empire Divided™ is cost, as I mentioned before. Whatever alleged faults SWG has, there is no way a good but not great FPS game could be better than it as a MMORPG.


I can't believe you are even debating this, your position is so illogical.


Would you say "Just because a Ferrari is designed to be a sports car doesn't mean it's a better sports car than my Ford pick-up truck"?

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Comparing video games to things in real life = No.


Video games are NOT REAL LIFE! You cannot compair things that are so completely opposite. Please understand this!


Analogies and metaphors are rhetorical tools used to explain and clarify points one is trying to make.


Wow, video games aren't real life, and FFXI and Everquest aren't Star Wars games. Thanks, I never knew those things. Tell me more!

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Nah, that's all the knowledge that you will obtain from me today.




Awwww, damn! :amidala:


But in the end, I will go back to what I said earlier:


Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

The war is over and the Darth Maul wannabes\honor geeks\admin-power abusers\rule fetishers won.


The End.


And goodnight :amidala:

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You know another thing that sucks in SWG besides the bugs? The fact that no one roleplays there! I have SWG, I still pay the monthly bill. I play it, but not to roleplay, because would be pointless...seeing as no one bothers to do it there.

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Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet

We need to force the h0n0rz cmmunity to play UTk4 for a month. Immagine: "OGM U LAMED ME I HAD SHIELD GUN UP!!!111 I was typing!!!" Rest of server: LOL!! Ha ha I would give anything to be in that server!

Now that's the best idea I've heard all day.
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Just to make a correction here, "Siege" was not invented by role players.


It began as "SAGA" which was a secret, incomplete game mode left in the code of Jedi Outcast, which was later developed further by the Raven team into what is now Siege (combined with an evolution of Jedi vs. Merc for what became the classes).


A few "SAGA" mods were even made. This had nothing to do with h0n0rz or role players.


And this isn't something unique to the series either, remember UT had "Assault" and we had Team Fortress in the original Quake, plus dozens of variations in many other games before 2003.


From what I read the Jedi in SWG were designed to be very rare and limited, but over time they will be made more numerous and easier to get. They likely will never "compare" to the Jedi in KOTOR or JA to people's satisfication, but c'mon, it's a different kind of game.


Still, for "role playing" there's no better way to do that than in a real role playing game, rather than a first person shooter. It seems 90% of the "role playing" people are talking about anyway is just chatting and walking around, which could be done in virtually any online game. Heck, tons of online RPG's are purely text based.

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This is my ideal gaming world:


1) I am under NO (read that again: NO) obligation to bow to anyone in game. Even if they bow to me first or ask me to bow, I don't have to do it.


2) I should not fear being kicked, banned, or ampunished if I refuse to bow.


3) I should not be expected to be protected while chatting (if I want this protection I should only type during spectator mode or while dead). Likewise my opponents should not expect safety while chatting (again they should use spectator mode or type while dead, else they should realize they are fair game).


4) All moves, weapons and force powers not specifically disallowed by the server settings/mods should be available to be used by players. If an admin wants to make rules fine, that's the only exception. However many an admin temper tantrum of banning/ampunishing could be avoided if they would just set the server up to how they want it in the first place rather than allowing something then whining when people use it.


5) People play to have fun and/or to compete, not to see how loudly they can whine and try to anger people with kick/ban/ampunish.

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