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Asteroids Siege Server Coming...


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I've decided that I'd like to add Asteroids (specifically Siege Destroyer 2) to my normal Siege rotation on Meatgrinder Redux. This will be a trial run to see if it works well there...


So I'd like people to give me any advice (if you've hosted this mod before) and such. Any tips on hosting it well?


If you like Siege or team games, or even just flying ships, you owe it to yourself to check this out!







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Actually what I plan to do is this:








That's the rotation. No Asteroid Belt.


So the question is, will people joining during the vanilla siege maps have to have Asteroids in order to play those? Or will it tell them they're missing the files? This is on a Linux server...

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The old siege maps have been done to death. There are servers out there (New Republic and a few others) that can do 32 people on these maps. You should play the maps that arnt used on servers as much, and yes that includes the Asteroids mod, cause if anyone noticed, the mod was popular all of 2 weeks, then *conk*


I like it, but no one plays it.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Actually what I plan to do is this:








That's the rotation. No Asteroid Belt.


So the question is, will people joining during the vanilla siege maps have to have Asteroids in order to play those? Or will it tell them they're missing the files? This is on a Linux server...


That won't work, because.....


SSD2 needs the Asteroids mod. Running that mod means a command line change (+set fs_game asteroids) that can only be done (with the host you are using) by the host with a trouble ticket. If you stay in Asteroids mod for the other regular Siege maps, only players who have Asteroids mod running can join the server for any map, even the regular Siege maps. That is the problem with client-server mods, and why none of them are very widely used. The most popular mods are server-side only.


Stick with the original SSD map, unless you want to run an Asteroids mod server 24/7. If you do run an Asteroids mod server, it will be empty 99.9% of the time (based on past experience).

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And most people don't play client-server mods because there are not servers to play them on. Catch 22. :)


Anyway, OJP has Asteroids support so you can run both the norma siege map (with partial bot support!) and the asteroids mod.


The hard part is just getting people to get the client. However, in theory OJP Basic should be able to run server side only, but I don't recommend it.

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So wait, if I run OJP I don't need to run Asteroids?


The only benefit of that would be if OJP was smaller in file size than Asteroids + the Destroyer2 map.


Or would it not matter, meaning I'd have to run OJP + Asteroids to use Destroyer2?


Update: Okay, Raz explained it.


I just need vmp_overrides.pk3


the vehicles (except TIE Bomber 2 and maybe YT-1300)

and then the OJP basic.


So that cuts the file size down from 15 megs to 8.44 megs. Better at least...


Now we just need that linux port for OJP Basic Beta and we're set.

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Come to think of it that's true of just about every addon thing, period, with the exception of admin mods.


So the moral of the tale is, if you want people to use a mod, you have to host a server with it.


Otherwise yeah, it's a vicious cycle. Nobody plays it because nobody plays it, etc. At least this way there is an opportunity for people to see it and get interested and maybe try it out.


The only thing that gets me is why people are willing to download huge 150+ mb demos for games, and 1,000's of skins adding up to hundreds of megs, if not more (and to say nothing of the warez kiddies who will spend days or weeks downloading gigs of material just to get a free game) but are unwilling to download a mod that's perhaps 2-3 mb in size. I can understand not wanting to sit there and lag a server autodownloading, but you'd think a person could log onto any major mod site (massassi, pcgamemods, etc) and just look it up.


Lazy, lazy, lazy (and inconsistently lazy too!). ; p

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Man I forgot how "hard" it can be to defend that map for 20 minutes. ; )


I remember when I was testing Asteroids I insisted that 8 minutes was way too short (though you can win in 4 if defense is really poor or you're really lucky). I believe I wanted 12 minutes or 10 minutes, but it was easier than 8 minutes! ; )


Of course we had to deal with all sorts of other factors like the new ships.


Destroyer has been a lot of fun. I lose maybe half the players when it comes to that map in rotation, but still a sizable number are playing. Tons of people say "my first time playing this" or "oh wow a new map!"


Anyway I'll wait on OJP's linux port so I can use Asteroids and just have the 8.5 meg file instead of 15 megs...

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

I made a patch for the SSD2 map that changed the timelimit and the time it takes the Falcon to get drawn in to 12 minutes, since 20 seemed to be too long and 8 was too short. I haven't tested it but I assume it will work with SSD1. Let me know if you want it.


I take it you just made a pk3 with a modified .siege file?


Or maybe the ".arena" file?


I remember one of those files containing a time, and you could just modify that number and save.


If that's the case I can do that myself, but thanks!

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I take it you just made a pk3 with a modified .siege file?


Or maybe the ".arena" file?


I remember one of those files containing a time, and you could just modify that number and save.


If that's the case I can do that myself, but thanks!


Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

I made a patch for the SSD2 map that changed the timelimit and the time it takes the Falcon to get drawn in to 12 minutes, since 20 seemed to be too long and 8 was too short. I haven't tested it but I assume it will work with SSD1. Let me know if you want it.


Tsk tsk, read the post more carefully next time, newbie:amidala:


Yes, I changed the timelimit but I also made a new .ibi script because the slow pulling in of the Millennium Falcon is a timed, scripted event. If the Falcon gets pulled in, the Rebels lose, so that time has to match the timelimit.

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