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So when is SOE going to reduce the monthley fee?


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Ok, with some pretty bad reviews and a number of people dropping out when are they going to lower thier monthley access fee. I gaurentee if they brought it from $15 to 10 bucks they would get a much better response. Buts its just too much

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The price of the game dropped very quickly in the UK since hardly any one bought it.


The game certainly isnt worth £11 a month when you consider theres no real content and no direction. With the future looking bleak... yeah, lightspeed is coming but big deal...that will further reduce the numbers due to new bugs, lag, and people not being able to afford an update on their PCs to play


Its always worth looking through the forum archives on views about this game.



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Originally posted by reelguy227

hi all ,what does dmuk mean when he said "people not being able to afford an update on their pcs to play"?Thanks


not everyone has a close to top of the line computer like I do, when the space expansion comes out it will probly require a better computer then the original game, because it's space. so people with computers that run the game but not great, would need some kind of update

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Guest DarthMaulUK

When i say update, i mean Upgrading of your PC.


No one yet knows the final specs of Lightspeed - and you certainly cant go on the released screen shots because the game will NOT look that good on release (just look at galaxies)


Theres alot of people out there who can just about afford the outrageous monthly fee, so any system upgrades will probably kick them out of the game.


We wait and see



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Comparing SWG to EQ and EQ2 for example is like comparing water to erm... water... both are the same. Granted EQ has really poor graphics but its old hat now. EQ2 is galaxies with a different name. yawn



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Comparing SWG to EQ and EQ2 for example is like comparing water to erm... water... both are the same. Granted EQ has really poor graphics but its old hat now. EQ2 is galaxies with a different name. yawn





Let me guess... it means you will never test EverQuest2 then? :D

I'm waiting for World Of Warcraft, and it is nr1 game on my list for upcoming games. But I have to admit that I am curoius about EQ2 anyway :)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Blizzard have an excellent track record of games and more importantly, they have excellent customer tech support. Their website is probably the best I have seen for Tech support from any developer/publisher.


World Of Warcraft has one thing going for it. It doesnt say SOE on the label. The monthly fee will probably make or break the game.



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