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Been away for a long time and can't help but notice that the forum is a bit dead so i'm going to ask a question that might annoy some people, but just think it through first.

Neway do you think that it would be better to see LucasArts diverting their attention to a new adventure game then to a monkey island sequel in order to inject fresh blood into the genre And perhaps give new idea's to the guys who might be working on a sequel?

Probably not that contientious an issue but hopefully it'll get a broader discussion going.

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They could probly make a star wars adventure game (I'm not to sure how'd they would get it to work) that would actually sell.


Sadly games have gone the way of the mass market. If a developer makes it's debut with a game that dosn't sell it's game over for them. One chance, it's a horrible state of affairs for open minded people who wish to play more than the tiresome generic shooters(With exceptions). And with monster publishers like sony, microsoft and E.A gobbling up companies like ant eaters and forcing them to (only) make games with mass market appeal (licensing, real voices....blah blah) it will only get worse before it gets better. But hey isn't that what capitalism is all about???


Finishing on a more positive note, we will have more adventure games, as we always do, and they won't sell well and we'll worry about the death of the genre but it won't die, it just wont go away because we are here. There are a couple of developers out there who care passionatly about adventure games in one form or another.



I feel better after that rant!

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Originally posted by smokes o' pot

But hey isn't that what capitalism is all about???


that's the reason why i hate capitalism...

the whole concept of that green paperthingies called "money" is somewhat not quite right... (imho)

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Originally posted by DrMcCoy

that's the reason why i hate capitalism...

the whole concept of that green paperthingies called "money" is somewhat not quite right... (imho)


Yet you wouldn't object to someone giving you a great big wad of the things right now would you?


Sadly, the fact of the matter is, the bulk of the people who buy computer games prefer mindless action oriented games.

Only recently have they come with actual storylines that may intrigue and engross (may), but at the end of the day, the players main problem usually comes down to "How the hell am I meant to kill all of those guards with just two guns?!" and the answer is usually something along the lines of "You keeps shooting until dey is all dead.".

The people out there who actually want good puzzle oriented games that make you think for longer than a microsecond are very few and far between which is why, for money's sake, game developers go for the first option.


It's a sad but sincere truth (redundency of words there, but never mind).

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I wasnt trying to get into a discussion about capitalism, ha ha.


There are certain developers who are trying to break new ground in those shooters though, like valve, i.d software and infinity ward. We should be thankful. Also, there are so many of these mindless shooters on playstation that one would have to believe that the mass market will get tired of it eventually. They have to eventually see through all the official liscencing and realise that the James Bond Games are crap ( i hold a grudge!!)

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But that's your opinion (mine to) and your opinion is simply a drop in the great ocean of game players out there who actually did like those types of games and will continue to do so and therefore when the stats show that most people will buy a crappy shooter, they will make a crappy shooter. That's the truth of it.

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If a developer makes it's debut with a game that dosn't sell it's game over for them.


well... yeah... if they lose all their money developing **** game then of course they'll go bankrupt and ruin their reputation...



your point is?


and what does that have to do with LEC, thats the exact opposite of LEC

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I was talking about gaming in general. My point is that if a new game developer makes one game and it dosn't seel there's a real chance they won't make another one. It might be **** as u so elequantly put it or it might be a great game, either way they could easily be bankrupt. It's a sorry state of affairs in the gaming world at the moment and it will probobly get worse. That's my point. Gaming dosn't revolve around LEC.

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I'm a moderator for most of the forums centering around the MI discussion area of LF


And I agree, good games do not constitute good sales.


Publicity does. EMi got most of it's money back (if not all and more) because people were interested in seeing how the fourth monkey island game would come around. We can agree that the game wasn't that great so it wasn't the greatness of the game that had it sell loads. Much like if they released a new Final Fantasy, it could be ****e, but people would still buy it and the company would make money out of it. LEC haven't yet tapped all of the potential of Star Wars computer games and therefore they will continue to make ****ty SW games until their balls drop off.

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For a game to be successful, it has to be good. But being just being good won't get it very far. It has to have publicity, but more than that, it has to be anticipated. EMI was anticipated. Most revolutionary new games that are hits are anticipated. Lots of people are waiting anxiously for them to come out. THey didn't just here it was great and buy it or see it in a store and buy it. All those that does happen, it's not what drives sales.


There has been a lot of focus in the industry on the concept of "Hey, lets make a video game!" and little else. Fortunately, gamers KNOW the difference. Just look at hits from the past and it's easy to learn that any experienced, aged gamer knows what a good game is, and knows what makes a good game.


Gamers know what they want. They stick to the classics until knew classics worthy of the title appear, and the many crap titles made by companies are brushed under the rug until a truly good game comes out, and gamers will appreciate it.


In the case of adventure games, we are at a disadvantage. We are the minority. In a world where most people fall into shooting, team based, strategy, racing, or rpg, the thinking group is left in the shadow of the greater majority.


It's sad really. Not enough people appreciate a good Adventure game. And Developers don't appreciate those who do. It's also sad to see lucasarts, a long time reliable adventure game developer, beginning to fade on us.


But I'm going to be optimistic. Full throttle and Sam and Max were cancelled. I'm going to take that as a postitive sign that Lucasarts is only willing to release an adventure game worthy of it's noble past in the genre. I don't know about you, but I'd rather more energy put into a spectacular MI5 than a disspointing Fullthrottle, samn and Max and MI5.



EDIT: Woah, I just looked at my post. Rant-a-rific.

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Originally posted by JawaJoey

For a game to be successful, it has to be good.


I dissagree, There are countless bad games out there that are incredibly successful. Most new Star Wars games, FIFA (People buy the update to this every year although nothing in the game really changes) , James Bond titles, the Lord of the Rings E.A games, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, The Sims, There are countless games. Most being made by Electronic Arts.

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There is no optomism there


Oh yes there is! LEC saw that there were some people dissapointed with EMI, and saw the direction Sam n Max and Full Throttle were taking and thought that some people would be dissapointed with them, too, so they halted production as to spare fans not wanting to be dissapointed.


How's that for optimism?


Most new Star Wars games, FIFA (People buy the update to this every year although nothing in the game really changes) , James Bond titles, the Lord of the Rings E.A games, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, The Sims,


Who say's that those aren't good? Sims is great, and all the expansions are too. I've heard great things about LOTR, Fifa is a good game, even if people are stupid enough to buy it again when nothing new is added, I dunno about james bond, some people have liked the new games, until recently I never heard anyone say bad things. Who wants to be a millionaire- That was successful? Star Wars games? Yeah KOTOR, Jedi Academy and Rebel Strike were all terrible. :rolleyes:

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I actually enjoyed kotor. Edge have some harsh comments for most of the games I mentioned. A well respected magazine. The expansion packs for sims added little. It's not just coincedence that all these games were well marketed by E.A (The main reason for their success along with official licenceing). Of Course it's all matter of opinion and your intitled to yours but I found that alot of successful games do very little to push things forward. That is what hardcore gamers want is'nt it, progression. I do anyway. There are alot of games gone by that were absolutly fantasticly innovative games, like citzens kabuto, Broken Sword 3, In Memoriam, messiah, The Thief series and No One Lives Forever that didnt really sell very well at all. A shame indeed.


That is very optimistic (with regards to LEC) I hope your right. But in this case I think no news is bad news. If they were making it I think they would have said so when they cancelled S&M(Hee!) and FT2 this would have softened the blow and appeased fans. They didnt.


When Who Wants To Be A Millionere was released it was the quickest selling game ever and it Dominated the all format chart for countless weeks.

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Originally posted by JawaJoey

Oh yes there is! LEC saw that there were some people dissapointed with EMI, and saw the direction Sam n Max and Full Throttle were taking and thought that some people would be dissapointed with them, too, so they halted production as to spare fans not wanting to be dissapointed.


How's that for optimism?


All I can say is that at least they took a chance with EMI. Fine, so Full Throttle 2 wasn't looking too hot and not too many people were heartbroken over it's cancellation (me included, it looked like a punchemup more than anything)


But LEC's biggest mistake will probably always be cancelling Sam n Max 2 because of market trends. It was nothing to do with how good the game was, the game looked awsome, but because they wouldn't make as much money over it as, say, another crappy StarWars game, they cancelled it. Now that's not optomism, at least not on my part.

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Wait, Sam n Max was cancelled due to market trends? Oh my god. Pass the bottle. I'm gonna cry.




Yeah KOTOR, Jedi Academy and Rebel Strike were all terrible.


Whewn I said that I was being sarcastic. Hence the :rolleyes:. Of course you liked KOTOR, everyone did. Jedi Academy and Rebel strike were also very good games and that was my point.

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I feel so at home!


I'm from Kilkenny! We should meet up and have coffee sometime! Okay, so maybe we shouldn't. But still!!! I also used to live in Wexford, and Carlow!!! And I'm closer to Waterford City than to Kilkenny City, and closer to Co. Tipperary than I am to County Waterford. Woooo!

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