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Hi all, Im getting galaxies soon,and was wondering if there are too many jedi in the game ?How many approximately are there?I wanted to know this because Im a huge SW fan and wanted to be a jedi, BUT,if there are too many of them I wont be one, because it doesnt adhere to the movies.Thanks



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There are more than there should be, but from a non-jedi point of view, they are still quite rare. I've seen two in my time playing, and I think they were the same one. I only knew because of his title.


But you can't just BE a jedi. It's hard. It's long. It's about to change. They are changing the system of becoming and being a Jedi, so it will be very different from what it is now.

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Yeah, but in the time of SWG there are no Jedi left. :)


It's up to the regular guy to deal with the problem in the galaxy this time, they can't turn to the Jedi to help solve it this time. That's the correct feel of Star Wars in this time and age.

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ya it is a rp game ,but ,once you beat the game ,or become a jedi ,theres nothing to do ,im speaking in games like galaxies and morrowind where yu get to do whatever you want whenever you want ,and get to walk around and go wherever yu want instead of following the storyline everywhere

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There's pretty much nothing to do in SWG when you become a Jedi either, except hide and hope for the best. :)


It is not Jedi friendly game this, hopefully it will stay that way and the Devs won't cave in like they have so far by making Jedi be this easy to get. :rolleyes:

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are the jedi a rarity to come across in swg?when i get the game im lookin into going into starsider or bria,which one should i go into,whichever one has the least jedi out of those two is most preferabble?thanks much for answerin all my questions :lsduel::newbie::duel::dmaul3::dsaber::maul5::smilsab

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the only place i've seen on Starstrider with alot of jedi is Theed, Naboo, there was a huge fight going on today where 2 Jedi chopped down about 20-25 people(not at the same time lol), i've only seen about 5 Jedi in the 3-4 weeks i've been playing, and 3 of them were in Theed

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Originally posted by reelguy227

are the jedi a rarity to come across in swg?

Uhm, I fear it will not be a rarity as it should be with the new system. :(

It's like they are catering for a Jedi game rather than to stick true with the Star Wars feel. Instead they are giving us this wierd sudo feel of a space-time continium run amock. :rolleyes:


I hope they handle this correctly cause I'm starting to feel more and more that this will either brake it or make it for my continual presence in this game. If the Jedi won't be too notable I won't have too big a problem, although don't expect any help or recognition from me. :p

If it goes rampant and the Jedi become the dominant figure in this game, which is completelly against the Star Wars we know, I might just give this game up and go over to something else.

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ya there was only 4 Jedi inbetween A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, Luke, Emporor Palpetine, Darth Vadar and Yoda, since Obi-Wan died. Even 5 Jedi is to much in the entire galaxy, they should've made it much harder

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

They should never have added Jedi as a player controlled thing in the first time.


But Vader is no longer a Jedi though, and Emperor Palpatine was never a Jedi, so he can't be considered as one. :)


they both know the force though

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Originally posted by Sounds Risky

If you know how to shoot a gun that doesn't mean you're in the military.


good point ,alright, anyone with a lightsaber is a jedi, somewhat, and vader and the emperor i think both had lightsabers even though the emperor never used his ,he had to have one obviously .

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Originally posted by reelguy227

good point ,alright, anyone with a lightsaber is a jedi, somewhat, and vader and the emperor i think both had lightsabers even though the emperor never used his ,he had to have one obviously .

I think you missunderstood him here, what he ment was that even though you have a gun, that doesn't mean you're in the Army.

Translated, even though you have a lightsaber doesn't make you a Jedi.

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