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Revan Redemption Robes : By svösh T7 Darth333

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Has anyone had an instance where they can't unequip the robes? I just noticed that no matter what I equip or unequip I am stuck with the robes on. Any Ideas?


If it matters I got the robes through the holowan plugin (latest and patched) and this is the fourth or fifth time through the game (2nd with the plugin) and I never had problems before.

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Originally posted by Dak_iSuk

Has anyone had an instance where they can't unequip the robes? I just noticed that no matter what I equip or unequip I am stuck with the robes on. Any Ideas?

I have no idea of what causes this. I have no problems removing the robes but i heard some people having similar problems with disguises in the past. I'll have a look at it sometime this week - I have to reinstall kotor first. If someone knows, what causes this, pls let us know.


Originally posted by AJL

I don't think its good idea to use that Revan model because

its anims and such aren't finished...


I don"t have anything against constructive criticism but this was an empty comment.


I've seen your posts in another thread and the least I can say is that you seem extremely difficult to satisfy...is there anything you like? If not, perhaps you could do your own mods and see what you can come up with...

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Originally posted by AJL

I don't think its good idea to use that Revan model because

its anims and such aren't finished...


Well then, why don't YOU come up with a Revan model that DOES have the animations before you critisize one of the coolest mods/modders in Holowan!? o.O We would ALL like to see such a model. :p

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Originally posted by AJL

I don't think its good idea to use that Revan model because

its anims and such aren't finished...


Just trying to make a whole mess of new "freinds" arent you AJL?


Originally posted by Darth333

I don"t have anything against constructive criticism but this was an empty comment.


I've seen your posts in another thread and the least I can say is that you seem extremely difficult to satisfy...is there anything you like? If not, perhaps you could do your own mods and see what you can come up with...


Darth333, I belive this poster AJL is just here trying to start flame wars. Some sad people have nothing more mature to do.

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Originally posted by Darth333

They work for me, try again :)


hehe. Technicaly I did try again. As I said before this was the second time through with the holowan plugin and the first time through was fine. I surely would hate to be on the debugging team for a game like this. There is virtually no way to determine for me the time the robes became "stuck" or what I was doing around said unknown time.


My instincts tell me that it has something to do with the sandpeople cutscene where the charaters are stripped and taken to the cheiftan however to say this is speculation at this point is an overstatement.


Regardless the robes are sweet and being stuck in them was not a bad thing. I was moreover trying to field the question and see if anyone had a similar instance.


Thanks for taking the time to try and duplicate the error.

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humm .. I wish I could help you Dak_iSuk. I’m unfortunately having the same trouble with my new juhani mod and the appearance is staying no matter what , but I have never had the Reven Redemption Robes stick Not even during testing ? And there was a lot of that …


Any ways I’m glad you can live with them . I’m curious but say you are stuck in the blue robes can you override them with the brown and tan ones ? The funny thing about my juhani mod is I can override the appearance with Reven Redemption Robes and then take them off again but she stays as is. Oh well much more testing needed, time to get back to that.



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Originally posted by Dak_iSuk


My instincts tell me that it has something to do with the sandpeople cutscene where the charaters are stripped and taken to the cheiftan however to say this is speculation at this point is an overstatement.


Thanks for taking the time to try and duplicate the error.

Err...I did not check it yet: i was talking about the links for the screenshots :D


The sand people thing gives me an idea of what to look at: the robes are a disguise (there are two more disguises in the game: the sith armor on Taris and the Sand people robes). So this could be the reason why they are not reacting like normal clothes or armor in a situation where the game is suppose to remove all the clothes your npcs are wearing. The first solution i see would be to use spells.2da to correct this but perhaps it is a bit overkill. I'm curious to see what happens on the leviathan :confused: I'll check that when i get home.


Thanks for the precise description of the problem :)

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I've had problems with some of my own disguise mods, none of svosh's, but I did have this problem with the Mandalorian armor once. (It's the one that disguises you to look like the Mandalorian NPCs, and it is in default KotOR) I just loaded up a quick save. I'm not sure what caused it, but I WAS on Tatooine at the time, maybe it is the sand people.

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

I just loaded up a quick save. I'm not sure what caused it, but I WAS on Tatooine at the time, maybe it is the sand people.

Interesting. I'll look at this this evening. As I mentionned above, one solution would be to add a script that "turns off" the disguise effect (it is considered as an effect by the game). However, there is no script field in an .uti file so we have to put it somewhere like in spells.2da but as i said above it is a bit overkill. It is also possible to attach the script to dialog but we would have to spot all the places where this occurs and therefore this solution is even worse. I'll dig that later today or tomorrow evening.


Pls if someone has experienced something similar on the leviathan when your party get their clothes removed I'd like to know it: this will save me a lot of time testing.

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The only problem that I have found with Redemption robes if you face malak with RR robes equipped on the leviathan in the cut scene you will have no head. :confused: To prevent this just don’t’ wear them right then. ;) Besides no matter what you do to malak he wins. So no need for extra protection anyways.



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That’s great to hear guys, I sort of thought there would have been more feedback on that. That’s why I assumed most people just cheated to use the robes.


But at the same time people may not have wanted to reveal the surprise, and I also appreciate that as well.


Matt that’s why i made 2 identical robes except for colour some like the blue and some the tan , I like them both and use them both to change the look while playing



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Originally posted by Darth333

Pls if someone has experienced something similar on the leviathan when your party get their clothes removed I'd like to know it: this will save me a lot of time testing.


Since I was already stuck in the robes (the tan ones if anyone cares and for some reason I didnt have the blue ones this time) My char was wearing the robes during the interrogation.


Originally posted by svösh

The only problem that I have found with Redemption robes if you face malak with RR robes equipped on the leviathan in the cut scene you will have no head. :confused: To prevent this just don’t’ wear them right then. ;) Besides no matter what you do to malak he wins. So no need for extra protection anyways.




Both this and last time with the robes I was the headless Jedi in the cutscene as well :)

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It’s because the revan model 022 use’s an invisible head by default except at that key moment when the game uses the head you selected at the character creation screen but not if you face makak with the robes on. The only thing I can tell is some cut scenes cause the disguise to stay permanent unfortunately a new development for me to try to work on . Thanks for letting us know Dak_iSuk



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