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worth buying


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It is (or should be) a totally different type of game than PvP (player vs. player) in a MMORPG. It is at heart (or should be) a First Person Shooter, so mouse-twitching and button-mashing ability in real-time are what make you successful.


The closest thing in Jedi Academy to PvP is the Siege gametype, where you have teams with different player classes engaged in combat. But it is still a FPS-type of combat.


I don't know if Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided (the Star Wars MMORPG) has PvP aspects.

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Here's my advice.


If you want role playing, this is NOT your game.


Trust me on this, KOTOR is FAR SUPERIOR in terms of role playing, story, customization, etc.


The options in JA are very limited and the gameplay is VERY linear and very "shooter-esque" or hack 'n' slash gameplay based.


I like that sort of thing personally, but as an RPG player I'd want something more.


Or, if you're not too stingy, get SWG, where you can interact with thousands of people in a roleplaying environment, now with Jedi and (soon) with ships.



Another thing, if you played Jedi Outcast and LOVED the saber dueling, and don't want it to change, you should not get JA, because there are a lot of little changes that will drive you absolutely CRAZY.


Unless you want to run Xmod2, then you can get a pretty close aproximation of the JK2 dueling experience albeit with two new saber styles.



Now, my thing is MP is where it's at. JA has Siege mode which is pretty darned fun. You play with a mixture of Jedi (Force/Saber) and mercenaries with Star Wars weapons and a sprinkling of Star Wars vehicles and locations. There's even an (official unofficial addon) map called "Destroyer" that has starfighter combat over a Star Destroyer with objectives you have to attack/defend. Editing is standard Q3 level stuff so that may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your experience level.


JA is a cool game, but if you're just going to play through SP once and do saber dueling I think you'll be bored quickly, especially if you already played JK2 (Jedi Outcast).


And even if you love the saber dueling, remember the Dueling community has been taken over (like Jedi Outcast before it) by the "h0n0r n00bs", ie: the people who fly into a rage if you kill anyone with saber down or while they are typing and go into 10 minute long speeches about how stupid and rude you are and use admin mods to slap your character around the map while you can't even move to "get revenge" for you being "dishonorable."




So either wait until it's in the bargain bin or go the better RPG route and get SWG or KOTOR (and KOTOR2 when that comes out).



But if you like some good old fashioned shooter/slasher action online with your buddies and like objective/class based games (which Siege is) then you'll enjoy the game I think, especially once you learn all the tweaks, hidden features and check out some of the good mods out there (like OJP & Xmod2).


Just remember, this game is a shooter, just like Jedi Outcast and just like Elite Force and Quake3, its just that it's set in the Star Wars universe and has some bonus features like Force Powers and sabers. It has a lot of options and some people only utilize a few of them and insist you do the same, but you don't have to.


But if you're looking for a fully featured RPG, this is definately NOT your game.

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Well like I said, it's basically either you like Saber Dueling or you like something else.


That's about the only "player vs. player" you get in this game.


Most of the games are either everyone vs. everyone or a growing number of team based games (like Siege, CTF, etc).


If you go one on one it's basically going to be saber vs. saber with no force and some stupid made-up "honor code" (telling you which moves you're allowed to use and how many chances you have to give the other guy if he's not paying attention in a fight, etc).


If you like hacking away with a saber vs. another person in real time (remember, it's more the Street Fighter 2 style control, you hit some buttons and you do a move, no super complex controls and it's real time like an arcade game), then you might like it.


The stuff in the Demo is SP only, so it's more fluid with the animation and has all that slow mo Matrix stuff. MP it's tighter, the moves are different and it's all full speed. There isn't all that slo mo spinny crap like in Single Player. So I guess you really won't know until you play it if it's your thing or not....



From what I've read, Battlefront is going to be all about big armies with vehicles and foot soldiers.


JA (and JK2) are smaller scale, with super powered mercs and Jedi strutting their stuff around with the occasion vehicle (JA only). Battlefront won't have controllable Jedi and no Force, so if you want that stuff, you have to get it here (Republic Commando won't have force/sabers either and rumor has it only having CTF and Team Deathmatch basically).

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I would say yea JA is worth buying. Its now 25 dollars at most stores. It is possible to have a RPG in JA, but those games are very hard to find now since The Zone doesnt suport JA. Also most of the time you get your FFAers come into games and cause havok. Overall if you not a FPS gamer that likes to shoot them up, this isnt ut game. Just go get KOTOR, cause yes it is that good.

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