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how did you become jedi


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i stopped playing the game a while back and i owned it when it first came out and never saw a jedi or even heard of one. but i was always trying to find out how to become a jedi and i was wondering what the actual metod was, and if there even was a method that worked for everyone. just curios because i was considering picking up the game again soon

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In many cases that is true, Thiesto. :)


This is the old way:

You have to get hold of Holocrons. And not just any Holocrons, but looted ones. Holocrons you get for completing a mission are useless, you can't trade it with people, and you can't even dropp it or move it to another container (backpack, bag, etc....).


There are 2 ways of getting them.

1: Loot it yourself


2: Buy them from a player.


Once you have aquired 1 or more Holocrons, use one of them. It will tell you what profession to master.

NOTE: Do NOT open more than 1 at a time. If you open another one before you have mastered the profession the first one told you to master, it will tell you to master the same profession as the first one. :)


When you have mastered some professions, the Holocrons will suddently go silent. That means that you have 1 more profession left to master. Which one however is not known to you. So now starts the guessing, and in some cases people have guessed the right one once they mastered the last profession :p


The new way involves some quests instead. It'll be far less expensive to do it, so more people are gonna try it, turning this game into Star Wars: A New Hope to Star Wars: Clone Wars I'm afraid. :( But with ANH skin.


We'll see how this turns out. :)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The old way was plan stupid. But even the new one leaves doors open for being too boring and dull. Theres too many 'run to point A, kill, run back to original point...head off to point B' repeat and rinse over and over ) missions in the game.


Most of these missions have little rewards. Much like with the Cries Of Alderaan (what a joke) - still stuck on early acts and you will have 'power players' selling the goodies from missions for silly amounts of cash.


The path to becoming a jedi shouldnt be for the all - yes there should be an opportunity that glares you in the face - but knowing SOE, these missions will probably involve doing 70 missions on every single planet. *yawn*



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please dont be a jedi ,they are not even suppost to be in this time line ,in the 100s of the them there are that is.


it would just ruin the whole point of playing ,it would give swg an awkward feel to the game ,a feeling of old republic clashing with the galactic civil war.,its just not a right feeling.please reconsider your decision.

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Originally posted by Sounds Risky

Didn't you want to be a Jedi? You refused to get Knights of the Old Republic because you wanted to be a Jedi in Galaxies.


ya that was until i found out that there were hundreds of them ,this timeline shouldnt have 100s of them,id like to adhere to the time line and stay true to the movies ,me being a die hard SW fan that is ,i dont want to be a jedi in swg anymore never again ,i want to be a master pistoleer/master droid engineer!!!!!!

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Everyone wants to be the only jedi.


I honestly hope that the new system is ridiculously hard, but interesting. The old holocron system was way too easy, it just took some determination and some time. Well, not even time because people found the easiest way to just grind through a proffession, and it cheapened the proffessions and the entire game. And a system could be applied to everyone. Just master a bunch of proffessions, get holos then master those proffessions. The new system has to be different for everybody, in such a way that you can't take your experience in unlocking and apply it to someone else. It should be impossible to write a "Guide to Unlocking your FS Slot."

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Originally posted by JawaJoey

Everyone wants to be the only jedi.


I honestly hope that the new system is ridiculously hard, but interesting. The old holocron system was way too easy, it just took some determination and some time. Well, not even time because people found the easiest way to just grind through a proffession, and it cheapened the proffessions and the entire game. And a system could be applied to everyone. Just master a bunch of proffessions, get holos then master those proffessions. The new system has to be different for everybody, in such a way that you can't take your experience in unlocking and apply it to someone else. It should be impossible to write a "Guide to Unlocking your FS Slot."


i dont want to be a jedi anymore,and besides ,other professions sound more fun because your not just in hiding your living a sw life and crafting stuff!!!

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Originally posted by JawaJoey

Everyone wants to be the only jedi.


I honestly hope that the new system is ridiculously hard, but interesting. The old holocron system was way too easy, it just took some determination and some time. Well, not even time because people found the easiest way to just grind through a proffession, and it cheapened the proffessions and the entire game. And a system could be applied to everyone. Just master a bunch of proffessions, get holos then master those proffessions. The new system has to be different for everybody, in such a way that you can't take your experience in unlocking and apply it to someone else. It should be impossible to write a "Guide to Unlocking your FS Slot."

Well, that is what they said last time. :)


I have a bad feeling about this, but I'm crossing my fingers it'll work out alright. :)

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